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Piotr Golda

Piotr Golda

Mass Spectrometry Analyst, London Metallomics Facility


I joined the London Metallomics Facility at King's College London in August 2023 as a Mass Spectrometry Analyst. I graduated from University College London studying Chemistry with Mathematics. My passion for inductively couple plasmas mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) started when I worked as a team lead in the instrumentation analytical chemistry team at a water testing company. This experience helped me gain proficiency in method development and data analysis of ICP-MS data. I have a huge passion for the application of ICP-MS techniques into various research fields and how metal analysis can help solve the problems they are addressing.



Core Facilities Open Days: Enabling Your Research

Two exciting days dedicated to showcasing the advanced resources available to support your research.  



Core Facilities Open Days: Enabling Your Research

Two exciting days dedicated to showcasing the advanced resources available to support your research.