Professor Peter Parker
Professor of Cancer Cell Biology and Director of the CRUK KHP Centre
Research interests
- Cancer
Peter Parker is Professor of Cancer Cell Biology within the Comprehensive Cancer Centre and Director of the CRUK KHP Centre.

Cancer Biology
Cancer Biology
Scientists identify Achilles heel of lung cancer protein
Researchers have shown for the first time that a crucial interface in a protein that drives cancer growth could act as a target for more effective treatments.

A day in the life at the Crick, featuring Professor Peter Parker
This month we had a chat with Professor Peter Parker, who is currently seconded at the Francis Crick Institute. We asked Peter a variety of questions to get...


Cancer Biology
Cancer Biology
Scientists identify Achilles heel of lung cancer protein
Researchers have shown for the first time that a crucial interface in a protein that drives cancer growth could act as a target for more effective treatments.

A day in the life at the Crick, featuring Professor Peter Parker
This month we had a chat with Professor Peter Parker, who is currently seconded at the Francis Crick Institute. We asked Peter a variety of questions to get...