Peiyao Tang
PhD student
I completed my bachelor’s degrees in Psychology as part of a joint programme between Sun Yat-Sen University in China and the University of Birmingham. I graduated in 2018 with a First Class Honours degree and then obtained an MSc in Clinical Mental Health Sciences with Distinction at UCL in 2019. After completing the MSc, I worked as a Research Assistant for a project looking at the cost and effectiveness of Intensive Support Teams that provide support for people with learning disabilities before starting the PhD at King’s funded by a successful award from the competitive King’s – China Scholarship Council programme.
PhD project
The role of introspective time-related backward and forward thinking in the emergence of adolescent depression
My PhD project investigates the way in which adolescents think about their past and future and how this is related with their mental health. We aim to identify elements of episodic memories and prospection, such as the valence, intensity of the emotions and the clarity of generated autobiographical events that may precede depressive symptoms in adolescence. This project is supervised by Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke, Dr Jacqueline Phillips Owen and Dr Kasia Kostyrka-Allchorne.

Experimental Psychopathology and Neuro-Development Group
ExPAND focuses on understanding neuro-developmental disorders and mental health conditions across the lifespan.

Experimental Psychopathology and Neuro-Development Group
ExPAND focuses on understanding neuro-developmental disorders and mental health conditions across the lifespan.