Pedro is a PhD student who started the programme of Health Service Research in July 2017. He is a medical doctor from the University of Chile (1999) and has a master's degree in science (epidemiology) from P. Catholic University of Chile (2009). During his career, Pedro has served as a clinician in primary healthcare settings and has assumed different positions in the management of the Chilean Health System. During 2011 he led the process of national health planification for the decade 2011-2020. Pedro worked at the Latin-American Observatory of Health based in Mexico (2009-2012), was honorary academic at the Department of Community-Based Medicine of the University of Bristol (2011-2013), and had performed several consultancies and researches in diverse topics at national (Chile) and regional level: burden of musculoskeletal disorders; burden attributable to risk factors; alcohol consumption; effectiveness of community mental healthcare; aging and dementia; and HIV/AIDS. In his PhD, Pedro is developing new approaches to measure the effective coverage for non-communicable disease.
Research Interests
- Health Metrics
- Performance of Health Systems
- Equity in Health
Key publications
- Araya, R; Zitko, P; Markkula, N; Rai, D; Jones, K. Determinants of access to health care for depression in 49 countries: A multilevel analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders 2018; 234: 80-88.
- Rai, D; Zitko P.; Jones, K; Lynch, J; Araya, R. Country- and individual-level socioeconomic determinants of depression: multilevel cross-national comparison. BJP 2013, 202:195-203. DOI: 10.1192/bjp.bp.112.112482
- Zitko P.; Ramírez J.; Markkula N.; Norambuena P.; Ortiz A.M.; Sepúlveda R. . Implementing a Community Model of Mental Health Care in Chile: Impact on Psychiatric Emergency Visits. Psychiatric Services 2017; 68:832-8328. doi: 10.1176/
- Zitko P., Borghero F., Zavala C., Markkula N., Santelices E., Libuy N., Pemjean A. Priority setting for mental health research in Chile. nt J Ment Health Syst 2017 11:61 DOI 10.1186/s13033-017-0168-9