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Pavan Mano

Dr Pavan Mano

Lecturer in Global Cultures

Contact details


Pavan Mano is a cultural theorist working in and around the fields of (20th and 21st century) contemporary literature and cultural studies. He received his PhD in English Literature & Cultural Studies from King’s College London, and his work engages heavily with contemporary critical and literary theory as well as affiliated intellectual fields such as postcolonial studies, queer studies, nationalism studies, and political theory.

One of the key themes that animates Pavan’s current research is studying nationalism’s continual generation of outsider figures and its intersections with race, gender, and sexuality. His forthcoming monograph, Straight Nation, (Manchester UP, 2025) examines heteronormativity as a modality for the transmission of nationalism in postcolonial Singapore. Drawing on a range of texts such as political biographies, legal texts, archival records, oral histories and more, the book analyses the production of subjectivity and demonstrates how affects of belonging can be calibrated through the governance of sexuality.

Pavan’s work has been published in journals such as Culture, Theory and Critique, the Journal of Language and Sexuality and he has also written for the King’s English and LSE Southeast Asia blogs, Back Page Football, and Atticus Review.


  • Race and racialisation
  • Queer studies & sexual politics
  • Cultural studies
  • Postcolonial studies
  • Nationalism
  • Literary & critical theory

Research interests and PhD supervision

  • 20th & 21st century literature
  • Postcolonialism & (postcolonial) South Asian literature
  • Nations & nationalism
  • Cultural studies

Expertise and public engagement

Selected publications


Governance of sexuality used to bolster nationalism, says new book

A new book by Dr Pavan Mano, Lecturer in Global Cultures in the Department of Interdisciplinary Humanities, examines the link between nationalism and...

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Education systems need to challenge capitalist and colonial roots, says new book

Challenging colonialism and neoliberalism in education systems is the route to re-imaging global structures, says a new book co-edited by Dr Sara Camacho...

graduation hats 780x440 (shutterstock)

New TEDx Talk examines what makes someone 'British'

In a new TEDx Talk, Dr Pavan Mano, Lecturer in Global Cultures and Interdisciplinary Education in King’s Department of Liberal Arts, explores the relationship...

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Exiles in The Imaginary Institution of India

Dr Pavan Mano, Lecturer in Global Cultures, explores the Barbican's new exhibition on Indian art through the lens of the nation state.

Northern India people and mountains


Governance of sexuality used to bolster nationalism, says new book

A new book by Dr Pavan Mano, Lecturer in Global Cultures in the Department of Interdisciplinary Humanities, examines the link between nationalism and...

singapore couple 780x440 (shutterstock)

Education systems need to challenge capitalist and colonial roots, says new book

Challenging colonialism and neoliberalism in education systems is the route to re-imaging global structures, says a new book co-edited by Dr Sara Camacho...

graduation hats 780x440 (shutterstock)

New TEDx Talk examines what makes someone 'British'

In a new TEDx Talk, Dr Pavan Mano, Lecturer in Global Cultures and Interdisciplinary Education in King’s Department of Liberal Arts, explores the relationship...

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Exiles in The Imaginary Institution of India

Dr Pavan Mano, Lecturer in Global Cultures, explores the Barbican's new exhibition on Indian art through the lens of the nation state.

Northern India people and mountains