Professor Patrick ffrench
Professor of French
Patrick ffrench is a graduate of University College London, where in 1993 he gained his PhD on the French literary and theoretical journal Tel Quel, under the supervision of Professor Annette Lavers. Following this he was appointed as a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at University College to undertake research on the role of Georges Bataille in 20th-century French intellectual history. He moved to King's College London in 1999 as Reader in French and was subsequently appointed Professor of French in 2006.
Research Interests and PhD Supervision
- 20th century French Literature and Thought; Critical Theory; Psychoanalysis
Patrick’s research ranges broadly across French literature, philosophy and culture of the 20th-century, with a particular focus on the interrelations of critical theory, literature, film and psychoanalysis.
He has written on the radical Tel Quel group of the 1960s and 1970s, the texts and legacy of the heterodox French philosopher Georges Bataille, on Maurice Blanchot, Roland Barthes and Jean-Luc Nancy. His two most recent book projects focus respectively on the cinematographic imaginary in Proust’s A la recherche du temps perdu (Thinking Cinema with Proust, Legenda, 2018) and the place of the cinema in the work of Roland Barthes (Roland Barthes and Film, Bloomsbury, 2019).
He is currently researching the work of the French psychoanalyst Pierre Fédida, and the multiple contexts surrounding Félix Guattari's involvement in the movement of institutional psychotherapy (see this website/blog – for one aspect of this work).
Patrick welcomes expressions of interest in PhD research in the following areas: 20th and 21st-century French literature and thought (especially Proust, Bataille, Blanchot, Barthes, Deleuze, Beckett), critical theory, literature and cinema, contemporary French film, psychoanalytic theory.
For more details, please see his full research profile.
Patrick ffrench teaches across a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, specialising in 20th-century French literature and film, post-war French thought, and critical theory.
Expertise and public engagement
Patrick ffrench is happy to talk to public media about any aspect of 20th-century French literature and thought.
Selected recent publications
- 'Finding a Way Out: Proustian Semiotics in Deleuze and Guattari' in: E|C Journal of the Italian Association of Semiotic Studies, 33 (Apr 2022), p. 15-29
- 'Memories of the Unlived Body: Jean-Louis Schefer, Georges Bataille and Gilles Deleuze', in: Film-Philosophy. 21, 2 (Jun 2017), pp. 161-187 (with Tom Baldwin)
- Convulsive Form: Benjamin, Bataille and the Innervated Body in What Forms Can Do: The Work of Form in 20th- and 21st-Century French Literature and Thought. Jordan, S. & Crowley, P. (eds.). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, p. 295-310 (Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures; no. 69)
- Roland Barthes and Film: Myth, Eroticism and Poetics, Oct 2019, London: Bloomsbury Academic. (Listen to a podcast about the publication).
- Thinking Cinema with Proust, Jun 2018, Oxford: Legenda. (Moving Image; no. 7)

The Centre for the Humanities and Health
A multidisciplinary forum interfacing the humanities, health, science & society.

Centre for Technology and the Body
Stories of embodied technology: from the plough to the touchscreen

Textual Representation: Poetics/Fiction/Rhetoric
Researchers within the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Culture at King’s College London are dedicated to exploring literary texts in multilingual contexts.

Visual Culture
The Visual Culture research group is a network of scholars within King’s College London working across a diverse historical range of film, art, and performance.
French student awarded inaugural Harold Moody PhD Studentship
French student, Annabel Ali, has been awarded one of the first Harold Moody Studentships to support her PhD research at King's.

Professor Patrick ffrench's new book Thinking Cinema with Proust is published
Patrick ffrench's new book, Thinking Cinema with Proust, has just been published by Legenda as number 7 in its Moving Image series.


Society for European Philosophy Annual Conference
The Society for European Philosophy is delighted to announce its annual conference for 2025 at King’s College London.

From Heraclitus to Japanoise
Cécile Malaspina speaks at the French & Digital Humanities Open Access Seminar
Please note: this event has passed.

More Than Human Aisthesis
Cécile Malaspina speaks at the French & Digital Humanities Open Access Seminar
Please note: this event has passed.

Informe / Information: The Noise of Georges Bataille
Patrick Ffrench speaks at the French & Digital Humanities Open Access Seminar
Please note: this event has passed.

Calculating Infinitesimals: Machine Learning From Lucretius To Deleuze and Simondon
This event is now cancelled
Please note: this event has passed.
CHH Blog: CHH virtual book club July 2021
CHH virtual book club, July 2021 - CHH ran virtual book club themed around pandemics, participants met regularly to discuss the books during the first UK...

CHH Blog: Disability and Intersectionality Reading Group
Disability + Intersectionality Reading Group is a fortnightly reading group which meets to discuss key texts in critical disability studies.

CHH Blog: Conversations across the medical humanities Autumn 2021
Conversations across the medical humanities - facilitating conversations across faculties at KCL, putting researchers in different fields into contact to...

CHH Blog: Advance directives for mental illness raise deep ethical questions
Advance directives for mental illness raise deep ethical questions - The debate over self-binding directives has been working through these issues since the...


The Centre for the Humanities and Health
A multidisciplinary forum interfacing the humanities, health, science & society.

Centre for Technology and the Body
Stories of embodied technology: from the plough to the touchscreen

Textual Representation: Poetics/Fiction/Rhetoric
Researchers within the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Culture at King’s College London are dedicated to exploring literary texts in multilingual contexts.

Visual Culture
The Visual Culture research group is a network of scholars within King’s College London working across a diverse historical range of film, art, and performance.
French student awarded inaugural Harold Moody PhD Studentship
French student, Annabel Ali, has been awarded one of the first Harold Moody Studentships to support her PhD research at King's.

Professor Patrick ffrench's new book Thinking Cinema with Proust is published
Patrick ffrench's new book, Thinking Cinema with Proust, has just been published by Legenda as number 7 in its Moving Image series.


Society for European Philosophy Annual Conference
The Society for European Philosophy is delighted to announce its annual conference for 2025 at King’s College London.

From Heraclitus to Japanoise
Cécile Malaspina speaks at the French & Digital Humanities Open Access Seminar
Please note: this event has passed.

More Than Human Aisthesis
Cécile Malaspina speaks at the French & Digital Humanities Open Access Seminar
Please note: this event has passed.

Informe / Information: The Noise of Georges Bataille
Patrick Ffrench speaks at the French & Digital Humanities Open Access Seminar
Please note: this event has passed.

Calculating Infinitesimals: Machine Learning From Lucretius To Deleuze and Simondon
This event is now cancelled
Please note: this event has passed.
CHH Blog: CHH virtual book club July 2021
CHH virtual book club, July 2021 - CHH ran virtual book club themed around pandemics, participants met regularly to discuss the books during the first UK...

CHH Blog: Disability and Intersectionality Reading Group
Disability + Intersectionality Reading Group is a fortnightly reading group which meets to discuss key texts in critical disability studies.

CHH Blog: Conversations across the medical humanities Autumn 2021
Conversations across the medical humanities - facilitating conversations across faculties at KCL, putting researchers in different fields into contact to...

CHH Blog: Advance directives for mental illness raise deep ethical questions
Advance directives for mental illness raise deep ethical questions - The debate over self-binding directives has been working through these issues since the...