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Oya Celiktutan

Dr Oya Celiktutan

Reader in AI and Robotics

Research interests

  • Engineering


Dr Oya Celiktutan is a Reader at the Centre for Robotics Research in the Department of Engineering and leads the Social AI & Robotics Laboratory. She received a BSc degree in Electronics Engineering from Uludag University, and an MSc and PhD degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Bogazici University, Turkey. During her doctoral studies, she was a visiting researcher at the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon, France. After completing her PhD, she moved to the United Kingdom and worked on several projects as a postdoctoral researcher at Queen Mary University London, the University of Cambridge, and Imperial College London, respectively. In 2018, she joined King’s College London.

Dr Celiktutan’s research focuses on multimodal machine learning to develop autonomous agents, such as robots and virtual agents, capable of seamlessly interacting with humans. This encompasses tackling challenges in multimodal perception, understanding and forecasting human behaviour, as well as advancing the navigation, manipulation, and social awareness skills of these agents. Her work has been supported by EPSRC, The Royal Society, and the EU Horizon, as well as through industrial collaborations. She received the EPSRC New Investigator Award in 2020. Her team’s research has been recognised with several awards, including the Best Paper Award at IEEE Ro-Man 2022, NVIDIA CCS Best Student Paper Award Runner Up at IEEE FG 2021, First Place Award and Honourable Mention Award at ICCV UDIVA Challenge 2021. Dr Oya Celiktutan was promoted to a Reader in AI and Robotics in August 2024.

Research Interests

  • Multimodal Machine Learning
  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Human Behaviour Analysis and Synthesis
  • Generative Models
  • Continual Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning

More Information


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    Fusing mechanical, electrical and control engineering.

    Data-Centric Engineering

    Applying machine learning to engineering challenges

    main-article-metamorphic-hand new 7 (final new)
    Centre for Robotics Research

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    Strand Aldwych at night time with colourful giant robot creatures

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    Dr Oya Celiktutan (centre) with King’s students Jeffrey Chong, Theodore Lamarche and Bowen Liu and Sprout the robot

    Wonderful interactive creatures come to the Strand this January

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    Meet Pepper, a friendly humanoid robot

    Have a chat with Pepper and King's roboticists to learn about the technology behind Pepper and the aims of our research.

    Please note: this event has passed.


    Robots and humans working together

    The first trial of a Human Support Robot

    Human Support Robot Toyota


      Design & Mechatronics

      Fusing mechanical, electrical and control engineering.

      Data-Centric Engineering

      Applying machine learning to engineering challenges

      main-article-metamorphic-hand new 7 (final new)
      Centre for Robotics Research

      The group develops solutions to critical challenges faced in society where robot-centric approaches can improve outcomes.

      Centre for Technology and the Body

      Stories of embodied technology: from the plough to the touchscreen


      Launch event marks the opening of Glowbot Garden

      Giant soft robots takeover Strand Aldwych

      Strand Aldwych at night time with colourful giant robot creatures

      Developing A New Wave Of Soft Robots

      The Department of Engineering has been working in collaboration with Air Giants.

      Dr Oya Celiktutan (centre) with King’s students Jeffrey Chong, Theodore Lamarche and Bowen Liu and Sprout the robot

      Wonderful interactive creatures come to the Strand this January

      Approach, touch and interact with giant soft robots in a free, outdoor experience like no other, inspired by a collaboration with King's robotics research

      Air Giants Unfurl (c) Malachy Luckie

      King's scientists explore the effects of AI on human life

      Bringing the Human to the Artificial presents cutting-edge AI research at King’s.

      Bringing the Human to the Artificial

      NMES academic promotions

      New readers and senior lecturers in NMES




      Meet Pepper, a friendly humanoid robot

      Have a chat with Pepper and King's roboticists to learn about the technology behind Pepper and the aims of our research.

      Please note: this event has passed.


      Robots and humans working together

      The first trial of a Human Support Robot

      Human Support Robot Toyota