Dr Niki Jakeways MBBS BMedSci BA MRCGP FHEA
GP, Clinical Lecturer, Deputy Lead iBSc Primary Care & Year 3 GP Simulation Clinics
Dr Jakeways is the Lead iBSc Primary Care and Lead Year 3&4 GP Simulation Clinics. She also works as a GP in South London.
Encouraging more students to choose General Practice as a vocation
How King’s supports medical students to experience the varied, rewarding and flexible career options offered by general practice, and is helping to address...

Lead iBSc Primary Care; Lead Year 3&4 GP Simulation Clinics
Encouraging more students to choose General Practice as a vocation
How King’s supports medical students to experience the varied, rewarding and flexible career options offered by general practice, and is helping to address...

Lead iBSc Primary Care; Lead Year 3&4 GP Simulation Clinics