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Nicos  Kessaris

Nicos Kessaris

Consultant Renal, pancreas as well as paediatric transplantation




Nicos Kessaris undertook his specialist registrar training in general surgery and transplantation at the London Deanery. He spent his last two years of training at Guy's and St Thomas' as well as Hammersmith Hospitals.

He worked at St George's renal transplant unit as a consultant between 2007 and 2012. During this period he established the ABO and HLA incompatible transplant programs.

Nicos has been at Guy's and St Thomas' since April 2012. He is currently involved in renal, pancreas as well as paediatric transplantation. He also participates in vascular access and peritoneal dialysis surgery.


  • ESOT 2009 Young Investigator Award - European Society for Organ Transplantation, Paris, September 2009.