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Nicola  Devlin

Dr Nicola Devlin

Teaching fellow


I have taught Greek and Latin languages and literature since the early 1980's. From 1989 to 2000 I taught at Birkbeck College and from 2003 to 2021 at Channing School in Highgate. I have been teaching for the Classics department at KCL since October 2004, and at Birkbeck College and Channing School in Highgate since 1989. The title of my doctorate, completed at Oxford in 1994, was ‘The Hymn in Greek Literature: Studies in Form and Content’.

Research interests and PhD supervision

The title of my doctorate, completed at Oxford in 1994, was ‘The Hymn in Greek Literature: Studies in Form and Content’.


Undergraduate and postgraduate language and literature.


  • Classical Review 35 (1985) pp.182-3:Review of Gerhard Jöhrens Der Athenahymnus des Ailios Aristides mil einem Anhang zum Höhenkult der Athena und Testimonien zur allegorischen Deutung der Athena, Bonn 1981.
  • ‘A Philosopher and his Muse: the Narrative of Proclus’ Hymns’ in edd. A. Faulkner and O. Hodkinson Hymnic Narrative and the Narratology of Greek Hymns, Leiden 2015.