Nicholas Raison is a Clinical Senior Lecturer in the School of Surgical & Interventional Engineering and an Honorary Consultant Urological Surgeon at King’s College Hospital. Nicholas has a specialist clinical in interest in functional, reconstructive and neuro-urology. He completed his medical training at Imperial College London then undertook higher surgical and specialist urology training in the London deanery. During his training Nicholas was awarded the Vattikuti research fellowship and a prestigious NIHR academic clinical fellowship. He completed his Phd with Professor Prokar Dasgupta at Kings College London and Guys Hospital. His doctoral thesis evaluated the role of simulation for robotic surgical training, entitled the MARS project (the Multi-institutional validation and Assessment of training modalities in Robotic Surgery). Nicholas’ research focuses on improving outcomes in surgical education through innovation. He was awarded the John Blandy prize for his study on the role of mental imagery for technical and non-technical training in robotics. Nicholas has a particular interest in non-technical skills and chairs the European Association of Urology working group for non-technical skills training.

Dasgupta Group
Robotics in Urology and its scientific evaluation
Research team awarded funding to develop new AI models for robotic surgical skills training
A team of researchers from the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences has been awarded a grant worth £25,000 by the Royal College of Surgeons of...


Dasgupta Group
Robotics in Urology and its scientific evaluation
Research team awarded funding to develop new AI models for robotic surgical skills training
A team of researchers from the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences has been awarded a grant worth £25,000 by the Royal College of Surgeons of...