Nahel Yaziji joined King’s College London (KCL) in 2021 as a research associate. He is a qualified pharmacist and holds an MSc in Public Health. He obtained training on economic evaluation, decision modelling and financial mathematics. He works on the economic evaluation component of various projects.
Prior to joining King’s Health Economics, Nahel was working with the Academic Unit of Health Economics at the University of Leeds. He was involved in a range of research activities that covered systematic reviews, within trial analyses, and decision modelling. Nahel also contributed to the teaching of 'Introduction to Health Economics' and 'Regression Analysis for Quantifying Trends.'
- CT1 Financial Mathematics
- MSc Public Health - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- BSc Pharmacy - Philadelphia University
Professional, Occupational or Skills Training
- Health Systems Strengthening (The University of Melbourne and the Nossal Institute for Global Health)
- Advanced Micro-Econometrics for Policy Evaluation (Leeds Institute for Data Analytics)
- Interventional studies as service evaluations (University of Sheffield)
- Cost-effectiveness modelling (University of Alberta, University of Leeds, University of Edinburgh)
Research Interests
- Mental health economics
- Costing methodologies
- Applied health economic
- Economic modelling
Key publications
- Wilding S, Tsipa A, Branley-Bell D, Greenwood DC, Vargas-Palacios A, Yaziji N, Addison C, Kelly P, Day F, Horsfall K, Conner M, O'Connor DB. 2020. Cluster randomized controlled trial of volitional and motivational interventions to improve bowel cancer screening uptake: A population-level study. Social Science and Medicine.
- Melhuish A, Vargas-Palacios A, Yaziji N, Selfridge J, Pisavadia M, Sagoo GS, Minton J. 2020. Cost evaluation of point-of-care testing for community-acquired influenza in adults presenting to the emergency department. Journal of Clinical Virology. 129, pp. 104533-104533

King's Health Economics
King's Health Economics, led by Professor Sarah Byford (Director), and Dr Barbara Barrett (Deputy Director), consists of a team of health economists with expertise in designing and conducting high quality economic evaluations of healthcare programmes and policies that contribute to healthcare policy and practice in the UK and abroad.

King's Health Economics
King's Health Economics, led by Professor Sarah Byford (Director), and Dr Barbara Barrett (Deputy Director), consists of a team of health economists with expertise in designing and conducting high quality economic evaluations of healthcare programmes and policies that contribute to healthcare policy and practice in the UK and abroad.