Dr Nagore Calvo Mendizabal
Senior Lecturer in Spanish and European Studies
Nagore Calvo Mendizabal obtained a BA in Social and Political Sciences from the University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain, in the year 1999, after which she took postgraduate courses on political economy and sociology at University of Lancaster. She then completed her PhD in Sociology at University of Lancaster, where she was also employed as a teaching tutor. She joined King’s College London in 2009 as a Teaching Fellow, and then she was employed as a Lecturer in 2010.
Research Interests and PhD Supervision
Nagore Calvo Mendizabal research interests are in the themes of political economy, state theory, globalisation, nationalism, geography studies and historical sociology. She explores these themes in her study of modern and contemporary Spain and Europe.
Nagore welcomes doctoral students who are interested in working on the political economy and historical sociology of state formation in Spain (including, specifically, Basque Country) and Europe. Also, students who are interested in exploring issues with regard to nationalism and nation formation and, issues of state restructuring, crisis and responses to the dominant neoliberal paradigm within contemporary Spain and European context.
For more details, please see her full research profile.
Dr Calvo has taught courses within the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies as well as the Department of European and International Studies. She has taught several courses focused on history, politics, economics and nationalism in modern and contemporary Spain. Currently, she teaches Nationalism in Spain, Fatherlands: Spain and Portugal under the Dictators (in collaboration with AbdoolKarim Vakil), and Political Economy of Spain. At postgraduate level, she has taught modules within European & International Studies on modern nationalism in Europe and critical political economy and currently, she imparts a module on Europe of Regions and Global Cities. The course looks at the political and economic changes from 1970s that challenged the relative economic stability and political consensus in Europe established after WWII. Against this background the course explores the (re)emergence of regions and cities as key sites of political, economic and cultural struggles.
Expertise and Public Engagement
As recognition of her expertise in areas such as contemporary politics, nationalism, economic transformation and crisis, labour policy and state restructuring in Spain and, Basque culture, history and politics she had been invited to make contribution to public debates through engagement with programmes such as BBC World Services, BBC Radio 3, and BBC Newsnight. She has provided general advice on specific topics and most recently she discussed the results of the general Spanish elections in BBC World News – GMT.
She has also been invited to participate and chair academic debates for The King’s College London Israeli Palestinian Forum, the Instituto Camões Centre for Studies in Portuguese Language and Culture at King's, and the Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones Ortega y Gasset, in Madrid.
Nagore Calvo Mendizabal has also been appointed to internal and external panels for the upgrading and viva of PhD theses at King’s College London and University of Aberystwyth.

The Critical European Studies Research Group
This interdisciplinary research group in the Department of European and International Studies re-examines key concepts in Europe through a shared lens of critical theory.

The International Political Economy Research Group
International Political Economy research group focuses on the examination of contemporary socioeconomic and political dynamics of crisis and limitations of European and global order.

Critical Economic and Political Thought
The group approaches the study of politics and economics from critical cultural perspectives including, but not limited to, history, literature, visual culture, performance and social activism.

The Critical European Studies Research Group
This interdisciplinary research group in the Department of European and International Studies re-examines key concepts in Europe through a shared lens of critical theory.

The International Political Economy Research Group
International Political Economy research group focuses on the examination of contemporary socioeconomic and political dynamics of crisis and limitations of European and global order.

Critical Economic and Political Thought
The group approaches the study of politics and economics from critical cultural perspectives including, but not limited to, history, literature, visual culture, performance and social activism.