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Gordon Forbes

Mr Gordon Forbes

NIHR Doctoral Rearch Fellow

Contact details


I am a NIHR Doctroal Research fellow leading a research project to develop prognostic models that predict long term outcomes for autistic children. The project will bring together data from all , applying individual patient data meta-analysis techniques to develop and validate models.

Since joining Kings in 2019 my research has primarily focused on the analysis of data from long term cohorts of autistic children to understand the variability in how well they are doing in early adulthood, whether we can predict challenges and what factors are predictive.

I am interested in methodology relating to prognostic modelling, in particular developing prediction models with repeated measures of predictors.

Prior to working at Kings I was a statistician at the Pragmatic Clinical Trials Unit, KCL. I worked on a number of clinical trials which looked to assess interventions under the conditions that would be found in routine clinical health care settings.

Research Interests:

  • Prediction modelling
  • IPD meta-analysis
  • Latent variable modelling
  • Autism


I Lecture give lectures on the Introduction to Statistical Modelling module and the Prediction modelling module delivered as part of the Applied Statistical Modelling & Health Informatics MSc,


Pure Profile:

Gordon Forbes


Lifecourse Epidemiology

The lifecourse epidemiology group researches developmental change, especially in childhood and adolescence. We specialise in methodology for longitudinal data including structural equation modelling.

Predicting outcomes for autistic children

An international collaboration to develop models that predict outcomes in adolescence and adulthood for autistic children.

Project status: Ongoing


Lifecourse Epidemiology

The lifecourse epidemiology group researches developmental change, especially in childhood and adolescence. We specialise in methodology for longitudinal data including structural equation modelling.

Predicting outcomes for autistic children

An international collaboration to develop models that predict outcomes in adolescence and adulthood for autistic children.

Project status: Ongoing