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Miguel Vasconcelos Da Silva

Mr Miguel Vasconcelos Da Silva RN

BRC Dementia Theme Managaer

  • Research Nurse


Community Ageing Research across Ethnicities – CARE Network

Exploring health and wellbeing in Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities and faith groups post the COVID-19 pandemic

Project status: Ongoing

PONS Centre banner brain scan
HealthTech Research Centre in Brain Health

National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) HealthTech Research Centre, designed to accelerate the advancement of cutting-edge technology to better understand brain health and ageing and help people live healthier lives for longer.


Community Ageing Research across Ethnicities – CARE Network

Exploring health and wellbeing in Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities and faith groups post the COVID-19 pandemic

Project status: Ongoing

PONS Centre banner brain scan
HealthTech Research Centre in Brain Health

National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) HealthTech Research Centre, designed to accelerate the advancement of cutting-edge technology to better understand brain health and ageing and help people live healthier lives for longer.