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Michael  Fenlon

Professor Michael Fenlon

Professor of Prosthodontics

Research interests

  • Dentistry


Professor Michael Fenlon, MA, PhD, BDentSc, FDS, MGDS.

Professor of Prosthodontics, King’s College London, Clinical Lead, Prosthodontics in relation to Head and Neck Cancer, GSTT.

Michael Fenlon qualified BDentSc from TCD 1980. After a year in Hospital Dentistry and eight years in general practice he was appointed Lecturer 1989, Senior Lecturer 1999 and Professor in 2010. He put together the business plan that led to the Prosthodontics service for the GSTT Head & Neck Cancer Centre.

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Orofacial Pain Research Group

Orofacial pain is a noxious, painful experience in the region of the face and /or oral cavity.

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Centre for Oral, Clinical & Translational Sciences

From toothwear to oral pathology, from facial reconstruction to oral surgery, there's one thing that all our research shares: an underlying desire to make a difference to patients and bring benefits to society. We’re particularly strong in prosthodontics and endodontics research, and our work in this field feeds into our postgraduate programmes.


Debunking the myth of Combination Syndrome

In a paper published this month in the Journal of Dentistry, researchers have set out to prove the inaccuracies previously reported on the existence of...

Combination syndrome

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Orofacial Pain Research Group

Orofacial pain is a noxious, painful experience in the region of the face and /or oral cavity.

1800x500 dentistry_video_hero
Centre for Oral, Clinical & Translational Sciences

From toothwear to oral pathology, from facial reconstruction to oral surgery, there's one thing that all our research shares: an underlying desire to make a difference to patients and bring benefits to society. We’re particularly strong in prosthodontics and endodontics research, and our work in this field feeds into our postgraduate programmes.


Debunking the myth of Combination Syndrome

In a paper published this month in the Journal of Dentistry, researchers have set out to prove the inaccuracies previously reported on the existence of...

Combination syndrome