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Michael Duggan

Dr Michael Duggan

Lecturer in Digital Culture, Society and Economy


Mike holds a PhD in Cultural Geography from Royal Holloway University of London, working in partnership with the Ordnance Survey on studying everyday digital mapping practices. He is primarily interested in the tensions and contradictions that emerge when we examine how digital society and technology is theorised alongside how everyday life is lived. This has recently manifested in research on the lived experiences of the sharing economy and video conferencing during the pandemic, and in research on the cultural practices of digital mapping technologies. He is the editor-in-chief of the Livingmaps Review, a bi-annual journal for radical and critical cartography, which welcomes a range of submission styles from academics, artists, activists and others interested in maps and mapping practices. He is also a member of the recently established Mapping Futures Imaginaries network. 

Click here to visit his full research profile

Research Interests

  • Critical cartography
  • Digital mapping technologies
  • Locative media
  • Platform urbanism
  • Sharing mobilities
  • Video conferencing platforms

Mike’s research is broadly interested in the digital and cultural geographies that emerge from the intersections between everyday life and digital technology. Recently he has turned his attention towards urban environments to examine the cultural geographies that emerge from the sharing economy and to examine how data-driven geo-visualisation technologies guide practices of urban planning and governance in the so-called ‘smart city’.


I teach on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the Department of Digital Humanities, King's College London including:

  • Big Data, Culture & Society
  • Contemporary Trends in Digital Theory
  • Cultural Analytics
  • Digital Entrepreneurship
  • Digital Foundations II
  • Digital Foundations III
  • Digital Industries and Internet Culture
  • Ethnography for the Internet
  • History of Networked Technologies
  • Introduction to Digital Culture and Society
  • London as a Digital City
  • The Sharing Economy and its Discontents
  • Theories of New Media

Selected Publications

Cohen, P. and Duggan, M. (2021). New Directions in Radical Cartography: Why the Map is Never the Territory. Rowman & Littlefield.

Duggan, M. (2021). Embracing the plurality of the carto-sphere. Dialogues in Human Geography (online first).

Duggan, M. (2021). Cruising landscape-objects: inland waterway guidebooks and wayfinding with them. Cultural Geographies (online first)

Duggan, M. (2021). Mobile, spatial and locative media. In: von Benzon, N., Holton, M., Wilkinson, C. and Wilkinson, S. (Eds). Creative Methods for Human Geographers. London: Sage. (pp. 245-258).

Arcidiacono, D. and Duggan, M. (2019). Sharing Mobilities: Questioning Our Right to the City in the Collaborative Economy. London: Routledge (Forward by Juliet Schor)

Duggan, M. (2019). Cultures of Enthusiasm: An Ethnographic Study of Amateur Map-Maker Communities. Cartographica, 54(3): 217-229.

Duggan, M. (2019). Spatial Media and Cycling Spaces: A Theory of Coded Attractors. Area, 52(2): 322-328.

Duggan, M. (2018). Navigational Mapping Practices: Context, Politics, Data. Westminster Papers in Communication, 13(2): 31-45.

Duggan, M. (2017). Questioning ‘Digital Ethnography’ in an Era of Ubiquitous Computing. Geography Compass, 11(5): 1-12.


CDC header
Centre for Digital Culture

The Centre for Digital Culture at King’s College London is an interdisciplinary research centre promoting research and debate on digital culture

LOGO_Artwork_Giota Alevizou
Outsmarted?: Communication infrastructures and students’ pathways to navigating London as a digital city

UK universities are an increasingly popular choice for international students, especially those seeking to experience it in multicultural centres such as London

Project status: Ongoing


COMMENT: Maps shape our lives – showing us not just where we are, but who we are

Maps and everyday life are now so intertwined for most people that it’s difficult to imagine a world without them.

World Map


Outsmarted? A creative methods toolkit for developing collective intelligence around the 'digital city'

What impact do digital technologies have on students arriving in a new city?

City view skyline


CDC header
Centre for Digital Culture

The Centre for Digital Culture at King’s College London is an interdisciplinary research centre promoting research and debate on digital culture

LOGO_Artwork_Giota Alevizou
Outsmarted?: Communication infrastructures and students’ pathways to navigating London as a digital city

UK universities are an increasingly popular choice for international students, especially those seeking to experience it in multicultural centres such as London

Project status: Ongoing


COMMENT: Maps shape our lives – showing us not just where we are, but who we are

Maps and everyday life are now so intertwined for most people that it’s difficult to imagine a world without them.

World Map


Outsmarted? A creative methods toolkit for developing collective intelligence around the 'digital city'

What impact do digital technologies have on students arriving in a new city?

City view skyline