Miss Mevhibe Hocaoglu BSc, MSc, PhD
Research Associate
Research interests
- Palliative care
Mevhibe B Hocaoglu has a PhD degree from the University of Reading where she developed and psychometrically tested the first disease specific health-related quality of life instrument for persons living with Huntington's Disease (HD) with a studentship from the European Huntington's Disease Network. She is the recipient of Chevening Scholarships granted by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) to complete her MSc in Global Health Sciences at the University of Oxford. Mevhibe has received a Fulbright Scholarship towards her degrees BA (Hons) in Anthropology and BSc in Biology from the College of William and Mary (Virginia, USA).
Mev is a Research Associate working with Prof Irene J Higginson on NIHR SL ARC Palliative and End of Life Care Outcomes Programme & Rapid evaluation of the COVID-19 pandemic response in palliative and end of life care: national delivery, workforce and symptom management (CovPall) Study coordinating HDR UK Data & Connectivity NCP Project for CovPall Study called CovPall-Connect and is part of the Palliative care Outcome Scale (POS) Development Team as the key CSI contact. She is a member of the Patient Outcomes Committee of the King’s College Hospital NHS Trust.
Research interests:
She is interested in measurement, person centred outcome measurement, and development of decision tools based on outcomes and aspires to contribute to scientific knowledge through teaching and research and encourage development and utilization of person-centred outcome tools in practice to facilitate person-centred policy, intervention, practice development and quality improvement.
She is interested in assessing the measurement properties of POS family of measures, in validating single items as well as subscales and reassessing measurement properties for calibration of scores. She is interested in designing new studies or carrying out re-analysis of data on the performance of our measures for monitoring, screening, prioritizing patients/care and secondary analysis of how POS measures are behaving as primary/secondary endpoint in trials (calibration issue). And validation of our measures for monitoring, screening and prioritizing patients. She is interested in using intelligent testing systems and developing an item bank for the POS family of measures to reduce patient burden and fatigue and to capture complexity and multi-morbidity.
Research profile

Centre for Global Health Palliative Care
Centre for Global Health Palliative Care

CovPall: Rapid Evaluation of the COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Palliative & End of Life Care
The CovPall Project aims to understand more about how palliative care services and hospices are responding to COVID-19.
Project status: Ongoing

Evaluation of the COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Palliative & End of Life Care: Connecting to Boost Impact & Data Assets
The CovPall-Connect project provides an opportunity for national data linkage on the palliative care response to COVID-19.
Project status: Ongoing
UK COVID policies may have disproportionally impacted ethnic minorities at the end of life
New research has found UK wide COVID-19 policies may have disproportionately impacted people from ethnic minority groups at the end of life.

Research shows end of life care was not seen as an essential, frontline service in the pandemic
Findings from a new report prompt calls for proper recognition and sustainable funding of end of life care and bereavement support.

How specialist palliative care services have coped in response to COVID-19
Services have been highly adaptive and embraced low-cost innovations during the pandemic.

Palliative care needs better integration with health care systems for this and future pandemics/epidemics
Findings from a multinational study into the experience of palliative care services highlights need for better integration and recognition in health services...

Funding boost for research into palliative care during COVID-19
Additional funding has been awarded for a study into the palliative care pandemic response.

- Service Development and Management module/Patient Reported Outcomes in routine use
- Research Methods & Statistics in Palliative Care / Survey techniques
- Research Methods & Statistics in Palliative Care /Research Protocol Development

Centre for Global Health Palliative Care
Centre for Global Health Palliative Care

CovPall: Rapid Evaluation of the COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Palliative & End of Life Care
The CovPall Project aims to understand more about how palliative care services and hospices are responding to COVID-19.
Project status: Ongoing

Evaluation of the COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Palliative & End of Life Care: Connecting to Boost Impact & Data Assets
The CovPall-Connect project provides an opportunity for national data linkage on the palliative care response to COVID-19.
Project status: Ongoing
UK COVID policies may have disproportionally impacted ethnic minorities at the end of life
New research has found UK wide COVID-19 policies may have disproportionately impacted people from ethnic minority groups at the end of life.

Research shows end of life care was not seen as an essential, frontline service in the pandemic
Findings from a new report prompt calls for proper recognition and sustainable funding of end of life care and bereavement support.

How specialist palliative care services have coped in response to COVID-19
Services have been highly adaptive and embraced low-cost innovations during the pandemic.

Palliative care needs better integration with health care systems for this and future pandemics/epidemics
Findings from a multinational study into the experience of palliative care services highlights need for better integration and recognition in health services...

Funding boost for research into palliative care during COVID-19
Additional funding has been awarded for a study into the palliative care pandemic response.

- Service Development and Management module/Patient Reported Outcomes in routine use
- Research Methods & Statistics in Palliative Care / Survey techniques
- Research Methods & Statistics in Palliative Care /Research Protocol Development