Dr Melanie Ehrler
Visiting Research Fellow
Dr. Ehrler has studied Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Basel, Switzerland. From 2018 to 2022, she completed a PhD in Clinical Science at the University of Zurich and the University Children's Hospital Zurich, Switzerland. From 2022 to 2024, she continued as a postdoc at the University Children's Hospital Zurich and the translational collaborative network of the University Research Priority Program for Adaptive Brain Circuits in Development and Learning (www.uzh.adabd.ch). For her work as a PhD student and postdoc, she received the FANS Award of the University of Zurich for outstanding scientific achievements as an early-career researcher in Medicine/Science . In 2024, Dr. Ehrler received a Postdoc Mobility Fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation to join the IoPPN at King's College London. She currently works on the Brain Maturation in Liver Disease (BMLD) study led by Prof. Grainne McAlonan and Dr. Marianne Samyn.
Research Interests:
Dr. Ehrler's research focuses on better understanding neurodevelopmental and psychosocial sequelae in children born with medically complex conditions, like congenital heart disease, complex liver disease or very preterm birth. She leverages magnetic resonance imaging to better understand underlying brain alterations of neurodevelopmental difficulties and aims to identify risk and protective factors for favorable neurodevelopmental and psychosocial outcomes.