Maya Welford
Maya Welford (Psychology, 2018) is currently a Behavioural Finance Specialist at Barclays. Prior to taking on this role at Barclay’s, she was the company’s Global Wellbeing Manager. During her time at King’s, Maya received the Desmond Tutu Award for her commitment to serving society. Maya continues to support the university through mentoring current students. In 2019, through Barclays’ Gender Network, Win, Maya founded the Charity Mentoring Programme which connects Barclays colleagues with charity employees. In 2021, Maya launched her podcast, That’s My Name, which explores the stories connected to her guest’s names.
What are your happiest memories of your time at King’s?
Spending time on campus, engaging in interesting lectures, and meeting people.
How have you stayed connected to King’s since graduating, and why is being part of your alumni network important to you?
I have become connected with Natalie Balchin (Alumni Volunteer Manager at King’s College London), and have supported King’s with a mentoring event.
What success stories have you had in your career?
I have won multiple awards in recognition of my leadership qualities and the extra-curricular work I do to create positive societal impact.
How has the ability to understand and interact effectively with people from other cultures and/or backgrounds been important in your life or career?
Very important, and something I enjoy doing. Some of my work is in the Diversity, Equality, & Inclusion space where I can leverage my experience by engaging and interacting with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
What advice would you give to students and alumni for success in life after King’s?
Take up as many extracurricular opportunities as you can. Be proactive and seek work experience, internships, and insights throughout your degree - this will help massively after graduation.
To stay in touch with your alumni community, make sure to sign up for King’s Connect. It provides the most effective way for you to connect with King’s alumni, as well as presenting opportunities to boost your career through mentoring. Sign up today at kingsconnect.org.uk