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Dr Matthew Tyce

British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow

  • Senior Lecturer in International Political Economy


Matthew is a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow and Senior Lecturer in International Political Economy. He joined the Department of European and International Studies at King’s College London in October 2023. Matthew holds a PhD in Development Studies from the University of Manchester’s Global Development Institute, where he also worked as an associate lecturer and research associate following the completion of his PhD and before joining King’s.

Office hours

Monday: 11.00 - 12.00 (in person, room 4.36 VWB)

Thursday: 14.00 - 15.00 (online)

Research interests

Matthew’s research sits at the intersection of development studies, comparative politics and international political economy. His research explores the political economy of state building and economic transformation under conditions of so-called ‘late’ (or ‘late-late’) development, with a particular focus on countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Matthew’s current British Academy research fellowship (2021-2024) is looking at the political economy of energy transition, renewable energy adoption and ‘green’ industrialisation in Ghana and Kenya. Matthew’s published research to date has covered a range of topics, including:

  • Industrial policy and industrialisation in peripheral economies
  • State-business relations
  • Determinants of state capacity and legitimacy
  • Natural resource governance
  • Domestic revenue mobilisation
  • The role of central banks in development


The political economy of financial crisis (7AAON223, semester 2)