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Matthew Jenssen

Matthew Jenssen

Reader in Probability

Research interests

  • Mathematics


Matthew obtained a BA in Mathematics from Queens’ College, University of Cambridge in 2012. He stayed on to do Part III and graduated with an MMath in 2013. Matthew went on to do a PhD in Mathematics at the London School of Economics under the supervision of Professor Jozef Skokan and Professor Julia Boettcher.

Following his PhD, Matthew took up a postdoctoral position at the University of Oxford where he spent two years. In 2020, he joined the University of Birmingham as a Lecturer in Probability. In August 2022 he was awarded a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship. In January 2023, Matthew joined the Department of Mathematics at King’s College London as a Reader in Probability.


Research interests

  • Discrete probability
  • Probabilistic/Extremal combinatorics
  • Statistical physics
  • Algorithms
  • Random matrix theory

Further information

Research Profile & Publications

Personal Website


aq ioppn mathstats

The Probability group in the Department of Mathematics at King's College London.


King's Mathematician helps solve sphere packing problem centuries in the making

The study is the first to make an improvement on the lower bound of sphere packing by more than a constant factor since 1947.

Sphere Packing - 1 (1)


aq ioppn mathstats

The Probability group in the Department of Mathematics at King's College London.


King's Mathematician helps solve sphere packing problem centuries in the making

The study is the first to make an improvement on the lower bound of sphere packing by more than a constant factor since 1947.

Sphere Packing - 1 (1)