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Matilda Carter

Dr Matilda Carter

Lecturer (AEP) in Philosophy


Matilda joined the department in 2021 after completing her PhD research at University College London. She holds two teaching awards from her time as a Graduate Teaching Assistant and is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Research interests and PhD supervision

  • Contemporary political philosophy
  • Philosophy of disability
  • Philosophy of ageing
  • Care ethics
  • Philosophy of sex and gender

Selected publications

The Indirect-First Approach: Towards Non-Dominating Dementia Care, Res Publica (published online 25th November 2021)

Advance Directives: The Principle of Determining Authenticity." Hastings Center Report 52, no. 1 (2022), 32-41. doi:10.1002/hast.1338. 

Grief, Trauma and Mistaken Identity: Ethically Deceiving People Living with Dementia in Complex Cases Bioethics (2021)

“Trans Women are (or are Becoming) Female: Disputing the Endogeneity Constraint,” Hypatia 2021 (forthcoming)

“Ethical Deception? Responding to Parallel Subjectivities in People Living with Dementia,” Disability Studies Quarterly 40, no. 3 (Summer 2020).

”Supported Voting: a How-To Guide”, Journal of Applied Philosopy 2021 (co-authored with Kasim Khorasanee)


Matilda teaches a range of subjects in political and social philosophy. She also has teaching competence in bioethics and feminist philosophy.