Dr Matejka Rebolj
Senior Epidemiologist
After obtaining a BSc in Economics and a MSc in Public Administration, Dr Rebolj completed a PhD in public health/epidemiology at the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam. She worked as a postdoc and associate professor at University of Copenhagen and as a senior researcher at Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre. She has been an advisor to several MSc and PhD students. Dr Rebolj joined the Cancer Prevention Group on 2016 (then at QMUL). Her research at the Cancer Prevention Group focuses on evaluation of current screening practices (such as organised screening programmes), evaluation of new screening methods, and development of methods to evaluate screening. She has extensively used population and health registries in the Netherlands and Denmark. She is the principal investigator for the epidemiological evaluation of the on-going English HPV Pilot, commissioned by Public Health England. She is a steering committee member of ECaDE (https://eatris.eu/projects/ecade), a new EU-wide network of experts to improve clinical evaluation of novel biomarkers for early detection of cancers. She is also a member of Public Health England's Laboratory Technology Group. Additional information can be found on Researchgate.

Cancer Prevention Group
Cancer Prevention Group
Screening every five years safe for women who test negative for HPV, study confirms
A study of 1.3 million women in England has provided evidence to support the extension of cervical cancer screening intervals from three years to five years...

Investigating promising cervical cancer screening method
Since the mid-1940s, cervical screening in the form of Pap smears began to promise women the chance to detect cancer when in the early stages and prevent it....


Cancer Prevention Group
Cancer Prevention Group
Screening every five years safe for women who test negative for HPV, study confirms
A study of 1.3 million women in England has provided evidence to support the extension of cervical cancer screening intervals from three years to five years...

Investigating promising cervical cancer screening method
Since the mid-1940s, cervical screening in the form of Pap smears began to promise women the chance to detect cancer when in the early stages and prevent it....