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Mary Ni Lochlainn

Dr Mary Ni Lochlainn

Post-doctoral NIHR Research Fellow



    Structural and life course determinants of LGBTQ+ health inequalities

    Leveraging King’s data and expertise to enhance understanding and move into action.

    Project status: Ongoing

    King’s MechanoBiology Centre (KMBC)

    The King’s MechanoBiology Centre gives a common platform for researchers across different disciplines with complementary interests in mechanobiology


    Daily fibre supplement improves older adults' brain function in just 12 weeks

    A daily fibre supplement improved brain function in over 60s in just 12 weeks.

    older and younger people's hands over puzzle


    Nutrition, ageing and the gut microbiota

    The gut microbiota – the community of trillions of microbes that live in our digestive tract – has an important role in health and disease. As part of our...

    Nutrition, ageing and the gut microbiome_hero image


      Structural and life course determinants of LGBTQ+ health inequalities

      Leveraging King’s data and expertise to enhance understanding and move into action.

      Project status: Ongoing

      King’s MechanoBiology Centre (KMBC)

      The King’s MechanoBiology Centre gives a common platform for researchers across different disciplines with complementary interests in mechanobiology


      Daily fibre supplement improves older adults' brain function in just 12 weeks

      A daily fibre supplement improved brain function in over 60s in just 12 weeks.

      older and younger people's hands over puzzle


      Nutrition, ageing and the gut microbiota

      The gut microbiota – the community of trillions of microbes that live in our digestive tract – has an important role in health and disease. As part of our...

      Nutrition, ageing and the gut microbiome_hero image