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Mary Leamy

Dr Mary Leamy BSc, MSc, PhD

Associate Dean (Postgraduate Research Studies) and Senior Lecturer in Mental Health

Research interests

  • Mental Health
  • Nursing




Dr Leamy is a psychologist by background, having completed a BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology and an MSc in Occupational Psychology. Her PhD was in mental health research: ‘Community Psychiatric Nurses’ empowerment of people with Serious and Enduring Mental Health Problems’, supervised by Professor Phil Barker, (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne).

Dr Leamy has evaluated recruitment, training and promotion of pilots, older people's housing decisions, Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorders units in high-security prisons and hospitals, Schwartz Rounds, and Intentional Rounding and how to transform mental health care by implementing recovery-focused services.

PhD supervision

Mary offers PhD supervision in the following areas of mental health research:

  • Mental health recovery
  • Staff wellbeing
  • Public and patient involvement

Enquiring about potential PhD supervision

If you’re considering applying for one of our PhD programmes and are looking for potential supervisors, please email listing the names of the supervisors you’ve identified as having expertise in your chosen area, along with your CV and a short research proposal. Our Postgraduate Research Team will contact supervisors on your behalf and get back to you.

If you have any queries in the meantime, please use the email address above, rather than contacting potential PhD supervisors directly, because they are unable to respond to initial enquiries.

Research profile


    Highest ever impact ranking for International Journal of Nursing Studies

    The journal has strong ties with the Faculty and tops the rankings for the seventh year in a row.

    Montage of different types of graphs in blue and green



    Postgraduate Research at King’s webinar

    Professor Glenn Robert, Vice Dean Research and Impact, presents a webinar on Postgraduate Research at King's.


    5 minutes with Kay Hopkin and Mary Leamy

    We sit down with Kay Hopkin, Senior Programmes Officer (PGR) and Mary Leamy, Associate Dean (Postgraduate Research Studies) and Senior Lecturer in Mental...

    Research and Education


    Transforming mental health care by championing personal recovery

    An evidence-based intervention to support personal recovery developed by researchers at King’s is improving patient experience and transforming mental health...

    Two people talking

    I teach on:

    • BSc Impact and Dissemination of Mental Health Nursing;
    • MSc Professional Practice Dissertation and
    • MSc Advanced Quantitative Research Methods modules. 


      Highest ever impact ranking for International Journal of Nursing Studies

      The journal has strong ties with the Faculty and tops the rankings for the seventh year in a row.

      Montage of different types of graphs in blue and green



      Postgraduate Research at King’s webinar

      Professor Glenn Robert, Vice Dean Research and Impact, presents a webinar on Postgraduate Research at King's.


      5 minutes with Kay Hopkin and Mary Leamy

      We sit down with Kay Hopkin, Senior Programmes Officer (PGR) and Mary Leamy, Associate Dean (Postgraduate Research Studies) and Senior Lecturer in Mental...

      Research and Education


      Transforming mental health care by championing personal recovery

      An evidence-based intervention to support personal recovery developed by researchers at King’s is improving patient experience and transforming mental health...

      Two people talking

      I teach on:

      • BSc Impact and Dissemination of Mental Health Nursing;
      • MSc Professional Practice Dissertation and
      • MSc Advanced Quantitative Research Methods modules.