Dr Mark Coté
Reader in Data and Society
- Chair of Arts & Humanities Peer Review College
Research interests
- Computer science
Mark is a research-led academic with a pioneering cross-disciplinary vision that scans both the human and technical object in order to understand the societal dimensions of data, computation and AI. He has been PI or CI on EPSRC, H2020, and AHRC grants valued at more than £10 million. He collaborates with computer scientists in social data analytics and cybersecurity, social scientists and policy experts and legal scholars.
He is a PI and Strategic Board member of REPHRAIN, the UK's national research centre for online harm mitigation and data empowerment, and a PI on SoBigData, the European research infrastructure for social data analytics. He has collaborated with the Open Data Institute, British Library, the University of Pisa, Tactical Tech Collective and many others. He has presented his research at the British Academy, the European Parliament, the International Communication Association, the Royal Society, the Italian National Research Council, and many others.
His work has been published widely in leading journals across disciplines including Big Data & Society and the IEEE Computer. His innovative leadership in research-led teaching and curriculum development is demonstrated in the MA Data Culture and Society.
Research Interests and PhD Supervision
- Big Dat /Datafication
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cross-disciplinary research
- Media theory
Selected publications
- Seymour, W, Coté, M & Such, J 2022, Can you meaningfully consent in eight seconds? Identifying Ethical Issues with Verbal Consent for Voice Assistants. in Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3543829.3544521
- van Nuenen, T., Such, J., & Coté, M. 2022. Intersectional Experiences of Unfair Treatment Caused by Automated Computational Systems. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction - CSCW.
- Cote, M. and Pybus, J. 2017. Simondon on Datafication: A Techno-Cultural Method, Digital Culture and Society, 2(2), pp. 75-92.
- Pybus, J., Coté, M., Blanke, T. 2015. Hacking the social life of Big Data. Big Data & Society, 2(2), ISSN 2053-9517, pp. 1-10.
Mark developed and leads the taught postgraduate programme MA in Big Data Culture and Society. He teaches modules that theorise data, artificial intelligence and machine learning with a focus on their social, political economic and philosophical dimensions. He also teaches a research-led module that introduces students to state-of-the-art practices in social data analytics, machine learning, and advanced explainability models for mobile apps and AI Assistants.
Expertise and Public Engagement
- Big DataArtificial Intelligence
- Cross-disciplinary research
- Data Privacy/Surveillance

Centre for Technology, Ethics, Law and Society (TELOS)
Explore research at King's through the Centre for Technology, Ethics, Law and Society (TELOS)

King's Cybersecurity Centre
An EPSRC-NCSC Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research (ACE-CSR). It provides expertise on most areas of cyber security, it has a critical mass of researchers working on three main research themes and their interrelationship.

Centre for Digital Culture
The Centre for Digital Culture at King’s College London is an interdisciplinary research centre promoting research and debate on digital culture

Computational Humanities Research Group
Computational Humanities research group

SoBigData ++
SoBigData++ strives to deliver a distributed, Pan-European, multi-disciplinary research infrastructure for big social data analytics.
Project status: Ongoing

SoBigData RI Preparation Phase Project (PPP)
The SoBigData RI Preparation Phase Project (PPP) is the preparatory phase of the SoBigData RI in the ESFRI RoadMap 2021.
Project status: Ongoing

UK National Research centre on privacy, harm reduction and adversarial influence online.
Project status: Ongoing

Secure AI Assistants (SAIS)
SAIS provides an understanding of attacks on AIS considering the whole AIS ecosystem, the AI models used in them, and all the stakeholders involved.
Project status: Ongoing

Centre for Data Futures
Bringing together interdisciplinary experts to focus on participatory infrastructure throughout the life of data-reliant tools.

King's Institute for Human and Synthetic Minds
Stronger scientific, historical, social and cultural understanding of intelligence
Keeping citizens safe online
Cybersecurity experts from King’s College London are leading work for a new national centre to keep people safe online through research and technology.

Dr Mark Coté speaks to Al Jazeera about online privacy
Digital Humanities' lecturer and MA Big Data director Dr Mark Coté has spoken to Al Jazeera about the Investigatory Powers Act

Dr Tobias Blanke talks big data with the Guardian
Dr Tobias Blanke from the Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London has been talking to the Guardian today about his research project, Our...


From Heraclitus to Japanoise
Cécile Malaspina speaks at the French & Digital Humanities Open Access Seminar
Please note: this event has passed.

More Than Human Aisthesis
Cécile Malaspina speaks at the French & Digital Humanities Open Access Seminar
Please note: this event has passed.

Calculating Infinitesimals: Machine Learning From Lucretius To Deleuze and Simondon
This event is now cancelled
Please note: this event has passed.
Hey Siri - Who are you talking to?
Dr Mark Cote, Reader in Data and Society in the Department of Digital Humanities researches both the human and technical object in order to understand the...


Centre for Technology, Ethics, Law and Society (TELOS)
Explore research at King's through the Centre for Technology, Ethics, Law and Society (TELOS)

King's Cybersecurity Centre
An EPSRC-NCSC Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research (ACE-CSR). It provides expertise on most areas of cyber security, it has a critical mass of researchers working on three main research themes and their interrelationship.

Centre for Digital Culture
The Centre for Digital Culture at King’s College London is an interdisciplinary research centre promoting research and debate on digital culture

Computational Humanities Research Group
Computational Humanities research group

SoBigData ++
SoBigData++ strives to deliver a distributed, Pan-European, multi-disciplinary research infrastructure for big social data analytics.
Project status: Ongoing

SoBigData RI Preparation Phase Project (PPP)
The SoBigData RI Preparation Phase Project (PPP) is the preparatory phase of the SoBigData RI in the ESFRI RoadMap 2021.
Project status: Ongoing

UK National Research centre on privacy, harm reduction and adversarial influence online.
Project status: Ongoing

Secure AI Assistants (SAIS)
SAIS provides an understanding of attacks on AIS considering the whole AIS ecosystem, the AI models used in them, and all the stakeholders involved.
Project status: Ongoing

Centre for Data Futures
Bringing together interdisciplinary experts to focus on participatory infrastructure throughout the life of data-reliant tools.

King's Institute for Human and Synthetic Minds
Stronger scientific, historical, social and cultural understanding of intelligence
Keeping citizens safe online
Cybersecurity experts from King’s College London are leading work for a new national centre to keep people safe online through research and technology.

Dr Mark Coté speaks to Al Jazeera about online privacy
Digital Humanities' lecturer and MA Big Data director Dr Mark Coté has spoken to Al Jazeera about the Investigatory Powers Act

Dr Tobias Blanke talks big data with the Guardian
Dr Tobias Blanke from the Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London has been talking to the Guardian today about his research project, Our...


From Heraclitus to Japanoise
Cécile Malaspina speaks at the French & Digital Humanities Open Access Seminar
Please note: this event has passed.

More Than Human Aisthesis
Cécile Malaspina speaks at the French & Digital Humanities Open Access Seminar
Please note: this event has passed.

Calculating Infinitesimals: Machine Learning From Lucretius To Deleuze and Simondon
This event is now cancelled
Please note: this event has passed.
Hey Siri - Who are you talking to?
Dr Mark Cote, Reader in Data and Society in the Department of Digital Humanities researches both the human and technical object in order to understand the...