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Mariam  Abouelenin

Dr Mariam Abouelenin

Lecturer in Quantitative Sociology and Social Policy


Mariam’s research explores gender inequalities in employment, work, and family life with a specific focus on the Middle East and North Africa. A large portion of her work assesses how different forms of capital — economic, cultural, and social — intersect to influence power relations within families and labour market inequalities. Her PhD work provided insights into the mechanisms that maintain and (re)produce gender inequalities in contemporary Egypt during key life stages such as adolescence, marriage, and parenthood.

More recently, she has extended her research to include Western contexts, specifically examining the experiences of women and children within the family justice system in England. Her current ADR-ESRC UK funded work explores how teenage mothers interact with the family justice system. It investigates the patterns of their repeated court appearances and their risk of having parental rights terminated via adoption. This project utilises a new data-sharing collaboration between the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass), developed as part of the MoJ’s Data First Programme.

Mariam joined the School of Education, Communication & Society in 2024. Before this, she worked as a research associate at the Centre for Child and Family Justice Research.

Research interests

  • Life course
  • Research methods
  • Gender and work in MENA
  • Family and social justice

PhD supervision

Mariam is happy to co-supervise projects related to her research interests and those that primarily use quantitative methods.


    women at wokr
    Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR)

    The Centre for Public Policy Research is an interdisciplinary research centre research developing critical analyses of social change and social in/justice in education and other policy arenas, sectors and contexts to inform national and international policy debate, social activism, and personal, professional and organisational learning.



    Mapping life course trajectories of young mothers in the family justice system

    In 'Mapping life course trajectories of young mothers in the family justice system: a group-based multi-trajectory modelling approach', Mariam Aboulein will...

    Please note: this event has passed.


      women at wokr
      Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR)

      The Centre for Public Policy Research is an interdisciplinary research centre research developing critical analyses of social change and social in/justice in education and other policy arenas, sectors and contexts to inform national and international policy debate, social activism, and personal, professional and organisational learning.



      Mapping life course trajectories of young mothers in the family justice system

      In 'Mapping life course trajectories of young mothers in the family justice system: a group-based multi-trajectory modelling approach', Mariam Aboulein will...

      Please note: this event has passed.