Manuel joined King’s in October 2017. His doctoral research focuses on exploring within-country variation of state-capacity and democracy in Peru, using a mix-method approach. He holds a MA in Political Science from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru (PUCP) and a BA in Philosophy from PUCP.
Prior to joining King’s, Manuel worked at the National Jury of Elections, the Ministry of Social Development, and the Presidential Office in Peru. He also worked as consultant for IDEA International.
Manuel is currently working in the NIHR-funded project Health System Strengthening in sub-Saharan Africa (ASSET).
Research interests
- Subnational politics
- Democratic theory
- State capacity
- Political parties
- Political theory
Democracy and development
PhD supervisors
Dr Anna Gwiazda and Dr Rod Dacombe
Seifert, Manuel (2019) – La política como invitación. In: Perfil de las candidatures subnacionales en el Perú. PUCP, IDEA, JNE.
Cavaglia, Alessandro; Seifert, Manuel; Rojas, Martin (2019) – Ética de la función pública. In: Manual de principios y problemas éticos. Fondo Editorial PUCP
Seifert, Manuel (2016) – La experiencia política importa. Estabilidad partidaria a nivel subnacional. Revista de Ciencia Política y Gobierno
Seifert, Manuel (2016) – Volatilidad partidaria en el Perú. Politai: Revista de Ciencia Politica
Seifert, Manuel (2014) – Colapso de los partidos nacionales y auge de los partidos regionales. Fondo Editorial PUCP
Global South Research Group
The Global South research group brings together scholars engaged in research on international political and economic trends, non-European perspectives, and south-south comparisons.
Global South Research Group
The Global South research group brings together scholars engaged in research on international political and economic trends, non-European perspectives, and south-south comparisons.