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Mandy Sanderson

Mandy Sanderson

PCIE Advisory Group member


Mandy is a member of the Public Contributor Involvement and Engagement Advisory Group of the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce.

"I am hugely enthusiastic about the way in which effective engagement with patients and carers can improve quality in healthcare research and services.

I was born with congenital hip dysplasia, which has led to multiple hospitalisations and surgeries on my hip and I live with severe osteoarthritis. I have been a carer and advocate for my father with Alzheimer’s, and for my child with a rare genetic disorder called 22q11.2. Although 22q11.2 deletion presents differently in each person, it affects all parts of the body and there are a number of healthcare conditions commonly experienced, including: heart defects; immune deficiency; cleft palate; speech and language problems; hearing difficulties; poor mental health; and challenges with learning, behaviour and development. It is the leading genetic cause of schizophrenia.

I am a Trustee with the Max Appeal charity, who provide support and advice to people and families affected by 22q11.2 deletion, a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. I volunteer with the Prince’s Trust as a health and social care mentor, supporting young people into the health and social care workforce.

In addition to my patient and carer roles, I have worked for over 22 years in the NHS, in roles ranging from clinical operational management through to public health and commissioning and have a good practical understanding of healthcare delivery.

I look forward to bringing passion and a new perspective to the role of user voice for the PCIE AG.”

Mandy Sanderson joined the advisory group in 2024.