Dr Luigi Margiotta-Casaluci
Senior Lecturer in Toxicology
Dr Luigi Margiotta-Casaluci is a Senior Lecturer in Toxicology at King’s College London, specialised in comparative pharmacology and toxicology. The main aims of his research are to understand the multi-scale mechanisms underlying chemical-induced toxicity and to develop innovative approaches able to predict with high accuracy the potential adverse effects of chemicals in both humans and wildlife. From a methodological perspective, the Margiotta-Casaluci Lab integrates computational biology approaches, network biology concepts, and the zebrafish model to investigate important research questions relevant to human and environmental health.
His research has been playing a leading role in shaping the implementation of pharmacology and network biology concepts in the environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals, paving the way for the modernisation of the field. Dr Margiotta-Casaluci has internationally recognised expertise in the application of the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) framework as a tool for evidence synthesis and assessment of biological causality within toxicological pathways. After gaining extensive experience with both animal testing (i.e. in vivo fish chronic toxicity testing) and alternative testing (in silico and in vitro), his current 3Rs-focused research is advancing the development of fish-specific New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) that can reliably support chemical safety assessment while drastically reducing the reliance on in vivo fish testing.
From a translational perspective, a key area of interest of the Margiotta-Casaluci Lab is the study of the causal relationship between drug- and chemical-mediated pro-inflammatory responses and the manifestation of adverse health outcomes, with a particular focus on behavioural alterations. Dr Margiotta-Casaluci regularly works in collaboration with industry partners and advises scientific and government agencies on the application of integrative toxicology concepts for the protection of environmental and human health. In 2022, he was appointed Member (Early Career Researcher) of the UK Hazardous Substances Advisory Committee (HSAC), which provides expert advice to UK officials, Ministers, and other relevant bodies on protecting the environment, and human health via the environment, from potentially hazardous substances, articles, and wastes.
Course teacher:
- 7BBFA007 - Biochemical Toxicology
Course leader:
- 7BBFA008 - Clinical and Forensic Toxicology
- 7BBBM108 - Specialised Techniques Workshops in Biomedical and Molecular Sciences Research

King's Water Centre
Researching water, environment and development. Our centre spans the humanities, social, and physical sciences to explore the challenges of water governance from global to local scales.
New recommendations published on how to improve and accelerate testing of chemicals
New recommendations from DEFRA’s Hazardous Substances Advisory Committee (HSAC) have set out steps that could make the UK a world leader in more ethical,...


Hidden threats: Contaminants in our local waters
While safe water is often considered to a problem in poor countries, this talk will demonstrate that various toxins and pollutants are hidden in our local...
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King's Water Centre
Researching water, environment and development. Our centre spans the humanities, social, and physical sciences to explore the challenges of water governance from global to local scales.
New recommendations published on how to improve and accelerate testing of chemicals
New recommendations from DEFRA’s Hazardous Substances Advisory Committee (HSAC) have set out steps that could make the UK a world leader in more ethical,...


Hidden threats: Contaminants in our local waters
While safe water is often considered to a problem in poor countries, this talk will demonstrate that various toxins and pollutants are hidden in our local...
Please note: this event has passed.