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Lise Rødland

Dr Lise Rødland

Research Assistant

Contact details


Lise is a Research Assistant on the ERC Consolidator Grant: Advocacy in Digital Democracy: Use, impact and democratic consequences. Prior to joining King’s she was a Doctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science, University of Oslo. In her PhD thesis, she examined the consequences of interactions between interest groups and political parties for political representation.

Click here for her Google Scholar page.

Research interests

  • Interest groups
  • Political parties
  • Political representation

Latest publications

Rødland, L. (2024). Some policies matter more: Party salience and interest group access to political parties in Western democracies. Journal of European Public Policy.

Allern, E. H., Hansen, V. W., Rødland, L., Røed, M., Klüver, H., Le Gall, C., Marshall, D., Otjes, S., Poguntke, T., Rasmussen, A., Saurugger, S., & Witko, C. (2023). Introducing the Party-interest group relationships in contemporary democracies datasets. Party Politics, 29(2), 394–403.