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Lev Kantorovich

Professor Lev Kantorovich


Research interests

  • Physics


Thomas Young Centre - Professor Lev Kantorovich

Personal home page


Lev studied physics at the Latvian University, Riga, Latvia (formerly USSR) between 1974-9 and then worked as a researcher in Riga. He defended his PhD on Theoretical Simulation of Radiative Processes in 1975. In 1994 he moved to the UK for a postdoctoral position in Keele with Mike Gillan on AB Initio Modelling of Surfaces. In 1996 he moved to University College London to work with Marshall Stoneham and Alex Shluger on AFM Modelling. Between 2000 and 2002 he was a temporary lecturer position at University College London.  Lev became a Lecturer at King’s College London in 2002 progressing to a Reader in 2005 and a Professor in 2009.


Theoretical simulations of STM and Non-Contact AFM imaging of crystal surfaces, manipulation of atoms and molecules by means of STM and AFM, surface defects and adsorbed species; self-assembled supra-molecular assemblies of organic molecules on metallic and semiconducting surfaces; development of electronic embedding techniques; group-function methods; non-equilibrium statistical mechanics including classical and quantum dynamics of open system using Generalise Langevin Equation; quantum transport and noise in multi-terminal junctions studied using non-equilibrium Green’s Functions; growth of graphene and self-assembled structures using Kinetic Monte-Carlo.


    ARTICLE Molecule Model
    Theory & Simulation of Condensed Matter

    Research is focused on the theory of condensed matter, and in particular the development and application of advanced theoretical and modelling techniques suitable for the study of complex materials and molecular systems and processes.

    cnes herox
    Centre for Non-Equilibrium Science (CNES)

    CNES acts as an international hub for cross-disciplinary research in non-equilibrium science.


      ARTICLE Molecule Model
      Theory & Simulation of Condensed Matter

      Research is focused on the theory of condensed matter, and in particular the development and application of advanced theoretical and modelling techniques suitable for the study of complex materials and molecular systems and processes.

      cnes herox
      Centre for Non-Equilibrium Science (CNES)

      CNES acts as an international hub for cross-disciplinary research in non-equilibrium science.