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Laura Montecchio

Laura Montecchio



Laura joined King’s in October 2021. She holds a MA in International Journalism from Brunel University London and a MA in Gender Studies from University College Dublin (UCD); a Double BA degree in History from Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7) and in German Studies from Université La Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris 3).

Research interests

  • Radical Right Populism
  • Gender
  • Feminist theory
  • Comparative Politics in Western Europe

Doctoral research

Laura’s doctoral research focuses on exploring the paradox of elitism in radical right populist parties in France, Germany, and Italy, linked to gender-related issues, using feminist critical discourse analysis.  

PhD supervisors

Dr Anna Gwiazda and Dr Isabelle Hertner 

Latest publications

Montecchio, Laura (2021) Come i media italiani (non) parlano di violenza di genere. Albatros Il Filo, Nuove Voci, Roma, Italy



European Politics and Society Research Group

The European Politics and Society research group brings together scholars of all career stages to discuss ongoing work related to the changing identity, visions, capabilities, and relationships which shape contemporary Europe and Europeans.


A surprise setback, an unlikely union and a parliament in gridlock: What next for the far right in France?

LAURA MONTECCHIO casts an eye over the national assembly election results in France

hand voting 1903 558


European Politics and Society Research Group

The European Politics and Society research group brings together scholars of all career stages to discuss ongoing work related to the changing identity, visions, capabilities, and relationships which shape contemporary Europe and Europeans.


A surprise setback, an unlikely union and a parliament in gridlock: What next for the far right in France?

LAURA MONTECCHIO casts an eye over the national assembly election results in France

hand voting 1903 558