Dr Kiven Kewir
Visiting Senior Research Fellow
Dr Kiven James Kewir is a Visiting practitioner as part of the Practice of Leadership programme with the African Leadership Centre (ALC).
Kiven joined the ALC Nairobi in October 2016 as Research Leader. He currently serves are Research Leader for the Central African Hub of the ALC. He is also a Visiting Professor of Conflict Prevention and Regional Integration at the Institute for Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences of the Pan-African University (African Union) hosted at the University of Yaounde II Soa, Cameroon and President of Rebuilding Lives (a humanitarian organisation).
He holds a MA in Peace and Reconciliation Studies from the Centre for Peace and Reconciliation Studies in Coventry University and a PhD in Political Science from the University of Yaoundé II Soa.
Kiven has served as a reviewer for several international journals and led several innovative research projects in the area of conflict prevention.