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Kirsten Rock

Kirsten Rock

Research Assistant & PhD Student

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Kirsten Rock is a Research Assistant and PhD Student in the Institute of Pharmaceutical Science. She joined The National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths (NPSAD) in 2021 after completing her MSc in Drug Development Science (Distinction) from King's College London. Her dissertation investigated deaths associated with the opioid analgesic dihydrocodeine in England, which was subsequently published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. She has been involved with six publications using NPSAD data, three of which she is first-author. S

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The National Programme on Substance Use Mortality (NPSUM)

The NPSUM enables analysis of trends in deaths due to illicit substances or licensed medications to inform harm reduction strategy and increase patient safety.

Project status: Ongoing

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_NPSAD drugs pic
The National Programme on Substance Use Mortality (NPSUM)

The NPSUM enables analysis of trends in deaths due to illicit substances or licensed medications to inform harm reduction strategy and increase patient safety.

Project status: Ongoing