Professor Kim Wolff
Director King's Forensics
Research interests
- Forensics
Professor Wolff is Director of King’s Forensics and head of the Drug Control Centre, which is the only WADA accredited laboratory for sports testing in the United Kingdom. Kim is based on the Waterloo campus of King’s College London. She is director of the London Athlete Passport Management Unit (APMU),
Professor Wolff’s main research interest is concerned with the detection of biomarkers of drugs in biological matrices. She has been funded by the UK Department for Transport to investigate biomarkers of alcohol misuse in drivers. Her work led to Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin (CDT) being used as the sole biomarker for relicensing High-Risk Drink-Drivers. In 2016 Professor Wolff received an MBE in the New Year’s Honours for her work as chair of an Expert Panel on drug driving leading to the introduction of the new UK drug-driving legislation. She continues to work as a technical expert for the Department for Transport and is currently working on a report about the detection of nitrous oxide in drivers.
As head of the Drug Control Centre Professor Wolff has overseen the delivery of the testing programme for a number of major events including the UEFA EUROs for both the men and women’s football competitions in 2021/2022, the Rugby League World Cup, 2021, the Commonwealth Games in 2022 and the most recently the Cycling World Championships (2023). The Drug Control Centre continues to lead the anti-doping field in research on the detection of biomarkers of growth hormone and has ongoing research in dried blood spots and the detection of exogenous anabolic steroids.
Professor Wolff has recently led on the writing of a primer for the British judiciary on ‘drug testing and toxicology’ and provides expert reports to the WHO Expert Committee for Drug Dependence (ECDD).

Drug Control Centre (Anti-Doping)
The Drug Control Centre (DCC) continues to be at the forefront of advances in Anti-Doping science and protecting both the integrity of sport and the health of athletes.

The InterSEC:Action team review to understand the nature and scale of sexual exploitation in the aid industry and conduct a pilot study using genealogy
Project status: Ongoing

Forensic Science Policy, Regulation & Practice
The Forensic Science Policy, Regulation & Practice group seeks to support policy development and set national standards based on the latest technology.

Anti-doping Science
The Drug Control Centre (DCC) is the only World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) accredited laboratory in the UK
Andrew MacLeod named 'Legal Hero' for work on overseas sexual exploitation
Professor Andrew MacLeod has been recognised by the Law Society for helping to bring justice to children born overseas who have been abandoned by their...

A summer of success for King's Forensics
King’s Forensics is an academic group within King’s College London that hosts a range of world-leading laboratories, including the Drug Control Centre: the...

Drug Control Centre prepares for Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games
The Drug Control Centre (DCC), a part of King’s Forensics at King’s College London, is pleased to provide support to UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) for the Birmingham...

Milestone reached by UKAD in partnership with King's College London
More than 100,000 samples have been collected by UK Anti-Doping (UKAD), many of which were processed at the Drug Control Centre (DCC) at King’s Forensics.

UKAD renews partnership with King's to test athlete samples for anti-doping purposes
A new six-year contract has been signed between UKAD (UK Anti-Doping) and DCC (The Drug Control Centre), King’s Forensics at King’s, marking a new stage in a...


2nd IRMS Workshop 2023
A WADA endorsed workshop intended to help IRMS analysts, troubleshooting, system suitability and presentation of routine data analysis in different and...
Please note: this event has passed.

Crossovers between natural disasters and human response activities to disaster victim identification: the carbon footprint and challenges associated with climate change
Explore the climate change and the carbon footprint related challenges in forensics, particularly with victim identification in natural disaster responses in...
Please note: this event has passed.

Interdisciplinary workshop on emerging approaches for the discovery of illicit explosive manufacturers and criminal cells through wastewater analysis
Interdisciplinary workshop on emerging approaches for the discovery of illicit explosive manufacturers and criminal cells through wastewater analysis
Please note: this event has passed.
Leading the international effort against doping in sports
The Drug Control Centre (DCC) is King’s flagship anti-doping institute, being the only WADA certified laboratory in the UK and analysing an average of 12,000...

How King's has made roads safer from drink- and drug-drivers in England and Wales
King’s have been collaborating closely with governmental organisations, such as the Department for Transport, to update road safety policies and practice in...


Drug Control Centre (Anti-Doping)
The Drug Control Centre (DCC) continues to be at the forefront of advances in Anti-Doping science and protecting both the integrity of sport and the health of athletes.

The InterSEC:Action team review to understand the nature and scale of sexual exploitation in the aid industry and conduct a pilot study using genealogy
Project status: Ongoing

Forensic Science Policy, Regulation & Practice
The Forensic Science Policy, Regulation & Practice group seeks to support policy development and set national standards based on the latest technology.

Anti-doping Science
The Drug Control Centre (DCC) is the only World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) accredited laboratory in the UK
Andrew MacLeod named 'Legal Hero' for work on overseas sexual exploitation
Professor Andrew MacLeod has been recognised by the Law Society for helping to bring justice to children born overseas who have been abandoned by their...

A summer of success for King's Forensics
King’s Forensics is an academic group within King’s College London that hosts a range of world-leading laboratories, including the Drug Control Centre: the...

Drug Control Centre prepares for Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games
The Drug Control Centre (DCC), a part of King’s Forensics at King’s College London, is pleased to provide support to UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) for the Birmingham...

Milestone reached by UKAD in partnership with King's College London
More than 100,000 samples have been collected by UK Anti-Doping (UKAD), many of which were processed at the Drug Control Centre (DCC) at King’s Forensics.

UKAD renews partnership with King's to test athlete samples for anti-doping purposes
A new six-year contract has been signed between UKAD (UK Anti-Doping) and DCC (The Drug Control Centre), King’s Forensics at King’s, marking a new stage in a...


2nd IRMS Workshop 2023
A WADA endorsed workshop intended to help IRMS analysts, troubleshooting, system suitability and presentation of routine data analysis in different and...
Please note: this event has passed.

Crossovers between natural disasters and human response activities to disaster victim identification: the carbon footprint and challenges associated with climate change
Explore the climate change and the carbon footprint related challenges in forensics, particularly with victim identification in natural disaster responses in...
Please note: this event has passed.

Interdisciplinary workshop on emerging approaches for the discovery of illicit explosive manufacturers and criminal cells through wastewater analysis
Interdisciplinary workshop on emerging approaches for the discovery of illicit explosive manufacturers and criminal cells through wastewater analysis
Please note: this event has passed.
Leading the international effort against doping in sports
The Drug Control Centre (DCC) is King’s flagship anti-doping institute, being the only WADA certified laboratory in the UK and analysing an average of 12,000...

How King's has made roads safer from drink- and drug-drivers in England and Wales
King’s have been collaborating closely with governmental organisations, such as the Department for Transport, to update road safety policies and practice in...