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Keng Meng  Tan

Keng Meng Tan

PhD Candidate

Research interests

  • Conflict
  • Security


Keng Meng holds a MSc in Political Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a BSocSci (Hons) in Political Science from the National University of Singapore. He was a member of the MIT Security Studies Program and MIT-Harvard Explorations in Cyber International Relations Program, which was a Minerva Initiative.

Prior to joining the Defence Studies Department, Keng Meng worked at the Ministry of Defence (Singapore) as an Assistant Director for cyber strategy and policy in the Defence Cyber Organisation. He also served as a policy officer in the Defence Policy Office with a focus on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and Asia-Pacific security architecture, maritime security, humanitarian assistance, and hybrid defence.

Keng Meng has completed policy and technical cyber courses conducted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Estonia), Cyber Security Forum Initiative, and SANS Institute.

Research Interests 

  • Cybersecurity including critical infrastructure protection and ransomware policies
  • Cyber and hybrid warfare including national and military strategy, operational doctrines, military force generation and employment, and international cyber law and norms
  • Digital technology policies and issues including 5G, new Internet architecture, and technology bifurcation


Keng Meng is writing the thesis Examining mission success in cyberspace. His research will examine how countries are employing cyber and other hybrid tools of conflict including information operations, to advance military objectives and national interests.

The aim is to conduct policy-relevant research that informs policy and operations, so states can conduct cyber and hybrid defence operations with the greatest effectiveness, least cost, and lowest chance of inadvertent escalation.


Dr Rod Thornton


Tan, K M, “Perspectives from Singapore: Regional Consultative Group on Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination for Asia and the Pacific”, Liaison, Vol. X, Spring 2018 (US Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance), pp. 13-16.  


Cyber Security Research Group

CSRG promotes research into cyber security bringing together experts from diverse disciplines.


Cyber Security Research Group

CSRG promotes research into cyber security bringing together experts from diverse disciplines.