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Kate Bazin

Ms Kate Bazin MSc FHEA MCSP

Lecturer in Physiotherapy Education


Kate joined the Physiotherapy team at KCL in September 2013. Her clinical background has predominantly been working within acute NHS services, within critical care and respiratory medicine. She leads on three BSc Physiotherapy modules and she is part of the Physiotherapy Practice Education team; supporting students prior to, during and post practice placements and working with Practice Educators to enhance the quality of placement experiences. Kate works closely with the Centre for Team-Based Practice and Learning at KCL and supports inter-professional learning experiences as a facilitator. Kate is also the Physiotherapy Department Senior Tutor and Physiotherapy Careers and Employability Liaison.


Rehabilitation & Health Research Group thumbnail
Rehabilitation & Health Research Group

Our overarching goal is to adopt a multidisciplinary approach to optimise the benefit of rehabilitation to patients and their carers through excellence in research


Academics and technicians create a virtual home environment and interprofessional education initiative

Resource that will be delivered to over 900 students in the 2021-22 academic year.




KCS Networking Event: Education for Sustainability Projects

KCS Networking Event on the Education for Sustainability Projects Fund

Please note: this event has passed.


Rehabilitation & Health Research Group thumbnail
Rehabilitation & Health Research Group

Our overarching goal is to adopt a multidisciplinary approach to optimise the benefit of rehabilitation to patients and their carers through excellence in research


Academics and technicians create a virtual home environment and interprofessional education initiative

Resource that will be delivered to over 900 students in the 2021-22 academic year.




KCS Networking Event: Education for Sustainability Projects

KCS Networking Event on the Education for Sustainability Projects Fund

Please note: this event has passed.