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Dr Karen Gillett RGN, MSc. PhD, FHEA

Lecturer in Adult Nursing

Research interests

  • Nursing


Post-registration clinical experience working in cancer and palliative care nursing and completed a Graduate Diploma in Cancer Nursing with the Royal Marsden Hospital. Spent 9 years working as a Lecturer in Cancer Nursing at City University London developing and leading a variety of post-qualification cancer and palliative care modules.

Since joining King’s College London in 2009 has led and contributed to a variety of pre-registration and post-qualification modules. Has developed and is currently delivering palliative care modules in collaboration with St Christopher’s Hospice, Sydenham, London. An experienced supervisor from BSc to PhD level.

Currently chair of King’s College London ethics health subcommittee and member of the College Research Ethics Committee. Qualifications:

  • MSc Social Research, University of Surrey, 1995
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Nursing Studies (Education), South Bank University, 2000
  • PhD Educational Research, Lancaster University, 2007 – title ‘A Discourse of Division: How policy constructs the relationship between nurse education and nursing service providers’
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2013

Research Interests

  • Qualitative research
  • Palliative care

Enquiring about potential PhD supervision

If you’re thinking of applying for one of our PhD programmes and are looking for potential supervisors, please email listing the names of the supervisors you’ve identified as having expertise in your chosen area, along with your CV and a short research proposal. 

Our Postgraduate Research Team will contact supervisors on your behalf and get back to you. If you have any queries in the meantime, please use the email address above, rather than contacting potential PhD supervisors directly, because they are unable to respond to initial enquiries.


Research profile


    The use of metaphors enables patients and caregivers to communicate their experiences of living with long-term conditions

    Patients can provide a unique insight into their own physical and emotional world through their own words with intentional or unintentional metaphors

    Cancer patient website

    • PhD Supervision
    • Pre and post registration MSc and BSc dissertation supervision
    • Module Leader Palliative and End of Life Care: Symptom Management Level 6 (6KNIN643) and Level 7 (7KNIM745)
    • Module Leader: Student Project (post registration BSc Dissertation) (6KNIN420)
    • Module Deputy: Palliative and End of Life Care: Foundations (6KNIS321)

    Karen is teaching on other modules pre and post registration


      The use of metaphors enables patients and caregivers to communicate their experiences of living with long-term conditions

      Patients can provide a unique insight into their own physical and emotional world through their own words with intentional or unintentional metaphors

      Cancer patient website
      • PhD Supervision
      • Pre and post registration MSc and BSc dissertation supervision
      • Module Leader Palliative and End of Life Care: Symptom Management Level 6 (6KNIN643) and Level 7 (7KNIM745)
      • Module Leader: Student Project (post registration BSc Dissertation) (6KNIN420)
      • Module Deputy: Palliative and End of Life Care: Foundations (6KNIS321)

      Karen is teaching on other modules pre and post registration