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Justus Enninga

Justus Enninga

PhD candidate


Justus is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Economy at King’s College London, where his research focusses on green political economy. He is focussed on the question of how different institutional arrangements help citizens to adapt to environmental challenges. He lays special emphasis on the role of bottom-up institutions in civil society and how they might help to overcome ecological collective action problems.

Justus is a trained economist and political scientist, who received a double degree BA from the University of Erfurt and an MA in political economy from King’s College London. Alongside his PhD, Justus holds a position as a Visiting Research Fellow at the Economics Department of New York University.

Doctoral research

Moving from Deliberative Talk to Polycentric Action in Green Political Economy – A Robust Approach to Adaptation to Climate Change

Research interests

  • Environmental economics
  • Public choice
  • Political theory
  • Collective action in civil society


Mark Pennington and John Meadowcroft


King's scholar awarded prize for master's thesis

Research by a King’s student which examined the emergence of Jewish community institutions in London has been awarded a prestigious prize.



King's scholar awarded prize for master's thesis

Research by a King’s student which examined the emergence of Jewish community institutions in London has been awarded a prestigious prize.
