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Julia Koziel

Julia Koziel

PhD student

Contact details


I’ve joined King’s College London in 2019 as a Research Assistant.

I am interested in neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), particularly the heterogeneity in brain anatomy and cognitive profiles present within and across autism and ADHD.

In my PhD I hope to apply a transdiagnostic approach while investigating early development in children with and without NDDs. I aim to identify potential biobehavioural subgroups that are linked to current clinical profiles, neurobiological characteristics and/or predict the development of symptoms or functional outcomes over time.

I have previously completed a BSc degree in Psychological and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Cambridge.

Research Interests

  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • MRI
  • Transdiagnostic approaches


EU-AIMS (European Autism Interventions)

One of the largest ever research projects finding new ways to develop drugs for autism spectrum disorder (ASD).


EU-AIMS (European Autism Interventions)

One of the largest ever research projects finding new ways to develop drugs for autism spectrum disorder (ASD).