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Jo Clarkson

Dr Jo Clarkson

Research Associate in Theology and Literature

Contact details


Joy is a research associate in theology and literature at King’s College London, and the books editor for Plough Quarterly. She holds a PhD in theology from the University of St Andrews, where she researched the role of popular art in spiritual practice and preparation for death. She is the author of several popular books including Aggressively Happy: a Realist's Guide to Believing in the Goodness of Life (2022) and You are a Tree: and Other Metaphors to Nourish Life, Thought, and Prayer (2024). 

Research interests and PhD supervision

  • Theology and Literature
  • Affect Theory
  • Religion in Popular Culture
  • Spiritual Practice
  • Death Studies
  • Disenchantment

Expertise and public engagement

I host a popular podcast called Speaking with Joy that explores the intersections of art, theology, and culture. I have written a trade book called Aggressively Happy: a Realist's Guide to Believing in the Goodness of Life. I am the books and culture editor at Plough Quarterly. I have been interviewed concerning theology and the arts on radio programs like BBC Scotland, CBC Tapestry, and many others.