Dr Johanna Keeler
Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Module lead – Health Psychology, Public Health Msc
Johanna Keeler is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King's College London.
Johanna started her studies in psychology at the University of Exeter where she completed my Bachelor of Science in Psychology in 2020. Following this, Johanna joined the Centre for Research in Eating And Weight Disorders (CREW) at King's, as part of the Medical Research Council Doctoral Training Partnership in late 2020, with a project examining alterations in neuroplasticity in anorexia nervosa and treatment implications (supervised by Dr Hubertus Himmerich and Professor Janet Treasure), which was completed in 2023.
Her research interests are mainly in the neurobiology of eating disorders, using mixed methodology (e.g., neuroimaging, neuropsychological measures, blood-based markers of inflammation and neuroprotection), the phenomenology of cognitive and brain changes in people with AN, as well as the translation to novel psychotherapeutic, psychopharmacological and arts-based treatments.
Research Interests
- Psychoimmunology
- Neuropsychology
- Qualitative research
Module lead – Health Psychology, Public Health Msc

Centre for Research in Eating And Weight Disorders (CREW)
The Centre for Research in Eating And Weight Disorders aims to find out more about the neurobiological, genetic and psychological causes and consequences of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders, and to use that knowledge to develop new and better treatments.

kEtamine for the treatment of DEpression with anorexia Nervosa (EDEN)
The EDEN trial aims to investigate the effect of ketamine in alleviating depression with a diagnosis of persisting anorexia and treatment-resistant depression
Project status: Ongoing
£1.45million awarded for EDEN Project, a trial exploring ketamine for depression with anorexia nervosa
King’s researchers have been awarded the funds the MRC Developmental Pathway Funding Scheme to run a randomised controlled feasibility trial of oral ketamine...


Centre for Research in Eating And Weight Disorders (CREW)
The Centre for Research in Eating And Weight Disorders aims to find out more about the neurobiological, genetic and psychological causes and consequences of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders, and to use that knowledge to develop new and better treatments.

kEtamine for the treatment of DEpression with anorexia Nervosa (EDEN)
The EDEN trial aims to investigate the effect of ketamine in alleviating depression with a diagnosis of persisting anorexia and treatment-resistant depression
Project status: Ongoing
£1.45million awarded for EDEN Project, a trial exploring ketamine for depression with anorexia nervosa
King’s researchers have been awarded the funds the MRC Developmental Pathway Funding Scheme to run a randomised controlled feasibility trial of oral ketamine...