My research career has focussed on the role of epigenetics in human reproduction and development, primarily in the placenta. During my PhD in Professor Gudrun Moore's lab at the UCL Institute of Child Health, and a postdoc in Rebecca Oakey's lab at King's, I studied genomic imprinting and regulatory DNA methylation in fetal and placental growth. Moving model organisms, and continents, I undertook postdoctoral training in Bob Fischer's lab at the University of California, Berkeley, focussing on imprinting and transposable element regulation in the endosperm/'placenta', of Arabidopsis seeds.
Moving back to London, and to humans, I was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship to study the role of transposons in the human placenta in Dr Miguel Branco's lab at Queen Mary University of London. I joined the Medical and Molecular Genetics Dept at King's in 2024, supported by a Wellcome Trust Career Development Award. My lab will investigate the function and regulation of transposable elements in human complications of pregnancy.