Professor Janice Rymer MD, FRCOG, FRANZCOG, FHEA
Dean of Student Affairs, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Professor Rymer qualified with MBCHB in 1981 from the University of Auckland and commenced her specialist training in New Zealand. She moved to the UK in 1987 and became a member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) in 1987 and fellow of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) in 1990. She was awarded her MD thesis from the University of Auckland in 1994 and was made fellow of the RCOG in 2005. She was made Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at KCL in 2005 and Dean of Undergraduate Medicine in 2010.
Her areas of special interest are Minimal Access Surgery, Ovarian Failure, Medical Education and Female Genital Mutilation. She is an educational supervisor for specialist trainees and a preceptor for specialist advanced training modules in minimal access surgery, menopause and education. She has published over 140 peer review papers and 15 textbooks.
Other extramural positions include: Member of the RCOG Council 1997-2003 and 2010-2016; Member of the British Menopause Society Council 1986-2002 and 2010-16; she is currently on the General Medical Council team for assessing new Medical Schools. In 2016 she became Vice President (Education) for RCOG.
Areas of responsibility
Dean of Student Affairs
Chairman of Student Support and Professionalism Committee
Professor of Gynaecology (Division of Women’s Health)
Vice President RCOG
Research interests
- Ovarian Failure
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Teaching of Intimate Examinations
- Work based assessment for students
- Chaperones
- Feedback and Assessment
- Rymer J, Smith N (2009). Obstetrics and Gynaecology for Finals, DRCOG and MRCOG. Oxford: Radcliffe. ISBN-13:978 1846190735
- Mahesan N, Choudhury SM , Rymer J Get Ahead! The Situational Judgement Test - 2012 Hodder Arnold. ISBN-13:978190581226
- Cecelia Bottomley, Janice Rymer 100 Cases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Second Edition
- CRC Press – 2014 ISBN-9781444174250
- Hollingworth T, Rymer J (2011) OSCEs for MRCOG Part 2; A Self-Assessment Guide, 2nd Ed.
- Hodder Arnold ISBN 9781444121841
- O’Reilly B, Bottomley C, Rymer J (2012) Pocket Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Elsevier 2nd Ed Paperback ISBN: 9780702043611 eBook ISBN: 9780702051241
- Bottomley C, Rymer J (2014) 100 Cases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2nd Ed
- Johnson C, Bradbury P (2015) edited by Rymer J 100 Cases in Clinical Ethics and Law, 2nd Ed. CRC Press, ISBN 9781498739337
- Rees PJ, Pattison J, Kosky C. edited by Rymer J (2013) 100 Cases in Clinical Medicine, 3rd Ed
- CRC Press, ISBN 13:978-1-4441-7429-8
- Shamil E, Ravi P, Chandra A edited by Rymer J (2014) 100 Cases in Clinical Pathology, CRC Press, ISBN 978-1-4441-7998-6
- Lane K, Edited by Rymer J (2017) 100 Diagnostic Dilemmas in Clinical Medicine. CRC Press
- Wright B, Dave S, Dogra N, edited by Rymer J (2017) 100 Cases in Psychiatry, 2nd Ed, CRC Press
- Stephenson AE, Mueller M, Grabin J, edited by Rymer J (2017) 100 Cases in General Practice, CRC Press
- Cheong R, Cunnington A, Drysdale S, Rain J, Walker J, edited by Rymer J (2017) 100 Cases in Paediatrics, CRC Press
- Shamil E, Ravi P, Mistry D, edited by Rymer J (2018) 100 Cases in Emergency Medicine and Critical Care.
- Bruce D, Rymer J. (2009). Symptoms of the menopause. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol, 23, 25-32.
- Dutton PJ; Rymer J. (2014) Physiology of the Menstrual Cycle and Changes in the Peri Menopause, Chapter 1. In Managing the Menopause 21st Century Solution. Edited Panet N; Briggs P; Kovacs G. Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 978 -1-107-45182-7
- Chisnall B; Rymer J. (2016) Female Genital Mutilation, Chapter 103, In Obstetrics and Gynaecology: An Evidence Based Text for MRCOG, 3rd Edition. Edited by Luesley DM and Kilby MD, CRC Press. ISBN: 13:878-1-4822-3382-7