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Jane Hopkins

Jane Hopkins


Jane is a member of the Public Contributor Involvement and Engagement Advisory Group of the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce.

Jane is part of a small working party within Greenwich’s Adult Health and Social Services Directorate helping to revise its basic, comprehensive and carer’s assessments (Care Act) to make them more user-friendly and inclusive and training practitioners in their use. She is also revising her toilet map of the borough with RBGs Public Health Directorate and involved with BIG (Blind in Greenwich) at a community level.

Jane continues to work as the lead Patient and Public Involvement on a five-year multi-site research project, ‘Homehealth’, based within the Primary Care and Population Health Research Unit at UCL (Royal Free campus). She featured in a short, age-appropriate UCL vimeo outlining 5 major tips to prevent dehydration in older people that was shared on the Age-UK network and posted on the NHS “heatwave” website.

A long-term member of the ‘Helen Hamlyn Centre for Accessible Design’ (RCA) ‘Age and Diversity lab’, she has been involved over the past year in several research projects looking at the redesign aids and adaptations, the accessibility of the new London Taxi and teaching postgraduate students from the RCA and Imperial College.