Dr Janaka Karalliedde MBBS FRCP FHEA PhD
Clinical Reader in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
Research interests
- Cardiovascular
- Diabetes
Dr Janaka Karalliedde is a Clinical Reader in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in the School of Cardiovascular Medicine & Sciences at King's and Consultant Physician in Diabetes and Endocrinology and Internal Medicine at Guy’s and St Thomas Hospital London. He graduated with a distinction in medicine from the University of London and was awarded UK Medical Research Council Clinical Research Training Fellowship and PhD by the University of London for research on the pathophysiology and treatment of cardiovascular disease and renal disease in diabetes. His research training was in Professor Giancarlo Viberti’s Research Unit at Guy’s Hospital London.
Dr Karalliedde has been awarded research grants from the UK Medical Research Council, Diabetes UK, European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes, International Diabetes Federation, NIHR and Industry for investigator led proof of concept clinical trials. His research is focussed on developing new therapies and treatment targets to reduce cardio-renal disease risk and complications in people with diabetes.
In parallel, Dr Karalliedde leads research projects focussed on cardio-renal disease predictors and bio-markers and their potential for real world application to guide risk stratification of people at high risk of rapid progression of kidney disease.
He trained in Diabetes and Endocrinology at Guy's and St Thomas NHS Hospitals and has clinical expertise in managing patients with renal and cardiovascular complications of diabetes. Dr Karalliedde runs specialist clinics for patients with diabetes related kidney and vascular complications at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital London and has established community based multi-disciplinary diabetes clinics focussed on early identification of high risk persons and reducing cardiovascular and kidney complications of diabetes.
Promise for artificial pancreas in people with type-one diabetes on kidney dialysis
Automated insulin delivery systems have, for the first time, been tested for people with type-one diabetes and end-stage kidney disease on haemodialysis...

£1.3 million to investigate medication with potential to delay kidney complications
King’s is a co-recipient of a £1.3 million grant to investigate the potential of a drug that could delay the progression of kidney disease in people living...

New tool that helps prioritise care for diabetes patients in hospital wins award
New research led by Dr Janaka Karalliedde to provide an informatics tool to identify people with diabetes that need most urgent care was recognised with a...

African Caribbean people with type 1 diabetes at greater risk of losing sight
African Caribbean people with type 1 diabetes are at 39% greater risk of developing sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy, which if untreated can lead to...

African-Caribbean people with type 1 diabetes more likely to develop kidney disease
New research confirms for the first time that ethnicity is a risk factor for developing kidney disease in people with Type 1 diabetes.

Diabetic eye disease associated with five-fold risk of severe COVID-19
People with diabetes and eye disease have a five-fold increased risk of requiring intubation when hospitalised with COVID-19.

Afro-Caribbean patients with severe kidney disease at greater risk of hospitalisation from COVID-19
Afro-Caribbean people with end stage kidney disease (ESKD) are more likely to be hospitalised with COVID-19 than other ethnicities, a study has found.

Promise for artificial pancreas in people with type-one diabetes on kidney dialysis
Automated insulin delivery systems have, for the first time, been tested for people with type-one diabetes and end-stage kidney disease on haemodialysis...

£1.3 million to investigate medication with potential to delay kidney complications
King’s is a co-recipient of a £1.3 million grant to investigate the potential of a drug that could delay the progression of kidney disease in people living...

New tool that helps prioritise care for diabetes patients in hospital wins award
New research led by Dr Janaka Karalliedde to provide an informatics tool to identify people with diabetes that need most urgent care was recognised with a...

African Caribbean people with type 1 diabetes at greater risk of losing sight
African Caribbean people with type 1 diabetes are at 39% greater risk of developing sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy, which if untreated can lead to...

African-Caribbean people with type 1 diabetes more likely to develop kidney disease
New research confirms for the first time that ethnicity is a risk factor for developing kidney disease in people with Type 1 diabetes.

Diabetic eye disease associated with five-fold risk of severe COVID-19
People with diabetes and eye disease have a five-fold increased risk of requiring intubation when hospitalised with COVID-19.

Afro-Caribbean patients with severe kidney disease at greater risk of hospitalisation from COVID-19
Afro-Caribbean people with end stage kidney disease (ESKD) are more likely to be hospitalised with COVID-19 than other ethnicities, a study has found.