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James Millington

Dr James Millington

Reader in Landscape Ecology

Research interests

  • Geography


Dr James Millington is a broadly trained geographer and landscape ecologist with expertise in developing bespoke modelling tools to investigate spatial, ecological and socio-economic processes and their interactions.

He was appointed Lecturer in 2013, Senior Lecturer in 2017 and Reader in 2021. James is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a long-standing member of the International Association of Landscape Ecology (including as a committee member of the UK chapter), and a member of the Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society. He is currently Associate Editor for Plant Ecology and Land journals.

Prior to starting his lectureship, James held a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship, also in the Department of Geography at King’s. Before this, James spent several years as a Visiting Postdoctoral Associate in the Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability at Michigan State University. James received his PhD in Geography, an MSc in Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Management (with Distinction), and a BSc (Hons) in Geography (First class), all from King's College London.


  • Landscape change: farming, forestry and fire
  • Wildfire-Environment-Society interactions
  • Agent-based modelling of geographical systems
  • Spatial modelling of ecological succession-disturbance dynamics 

James’ research examines landscapes and how they change, often by using computer models. More recently, his work has broadened in spatial extent to include continental- and even global-scale human impacts and interactions with wildfires, and the drivers and consequences of land use change.

James' research uses innovative methods combining simulation tools, such as agent-based models (ABMs), with qualitative and quantitative approaches to mediate between theory and data for the investigation of geographic phenomena. Much of James’ previous work has examined ecological processes and human-environment interactions to inform the sustainable management of multi-resource landscapes.

Found out more about James' research, including latest papers, code, presentations and posters at:



James leads the Spatial Data Science Pathway and teaches on the following modules:

  • 5SSG2046 Field Research in Physical Geography
  • 5SSG2059 Foundations of Spatial Data Science
  • 5SSG2060 Principles of Spatial Data Science
  • 6SSG3077 Applications of Spatial Data Science

PhD supervision

James welcomes inquiries from excellent candidates wishing to pursue research that investigates:

  • ecological processes and human-environment interactions in forest and agricultural landscapes;
  • innovative uses of agent-based modelling to understand physical and/or social geographical systems.

Further details

See James' research profile

The publication feed is not currently available.


Physical & Environmental Geography research group

Researching the interactions between the Earth’s hydrological, geomorphological, atmospheric and ecological processes at different geographical scales.

Earth Observation and Environmental Sensing Hub

The Earth Observation and Environmental Sensing (EOES) Hub is an interdisciplinary research group at the Department of Geography, King’s College London.

cnes herox
Centre for Non-Equilibrium Science (CNES)

CNES acts as an international hub for cross-disciplinary research in non-equilibrium science.

Centre for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) London

Supporting interdisciplinary research and innovation in and for London

Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society

Transforming the scientific and practical understanding of wildfire through interdisciplinary research

Digital elevation model GIS 3D illustration
Geocomputation and Data Science Research Hub

The Geocomputation and Data Science Research Hub provides expertise in solving contemporary global problems using data.

PEES image
Political Ecology, Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services

The Political Ecology, Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (PEBES) group provides a collaborative focus for work on the social (re)production of nature, environmental conservation and resource management.


World can't rely on tree planting to limit climate change, says report

Little consideration has been given by the IPCC to the feasibility of schemes that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere - despite many countries banking...


Brazilian conservation policy less effective on private lands

A policy designed to conserve forests has been less effective on privately-owned land in the Amazon due to an exemption for small property owners, leading to...

Deforestation in the Amazon


Supporting students and staff in the world of big data

New modules on Spatial Data Science are making big data accessible to students

DAFM - modelling with big data - main image


Putting survivors at the centre of disaster response

When disasters hit, International NGOs go to help reconstruct in the aftermath. However this usually creates a long term dependence on humanitarian aid....

Climate change flooding Bangladesh

The publication feed is not currently available.


Physical & Environmental Geography research group

Researching the interactions between the Earth’s hydrological, geomorphological, atmospheric and ecological processes at different geographical scales.

Earth Observation and Environmental Sensing Hub

The Earth Observation and Environmental Sensing (EOES) Hub is an interdisciplinary research group at the Department of Geography, King’s College London.

cnes herox
Centre for Non-Equilibrium Science (CNES)

CNES acts as an international hub for cross-disciplinary research in non-equilibrium science.

Centre for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) London

Supporting interdisciplinary research and innovation in and for London

Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society

Transforming the scientific and practical understanding of wildfire through interdisciplinary research

Digital elevation model GIS 3D illustration
Geocomputation and Data Science Research Hub

The Geocomputation and Data Science Research Hub provides expertise in solving contemporary global problems using data.

PEES image
Political Ecology, Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services

The Political Ecology, Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (PEBES) group provides a collaborative focus for work on the social (re)production of nature, environmental conservation and resource management.


World can't rely on tree planting to limit climate change, says report

Little consideration has been given by the IPCC to the feasibility of schemes that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere - despite many countries banking...


Brazilian conservation policy less effective on private lands

A policy designed to conserve forests has been less effective on privately-owned land in the Amazon due to an exemption for small property owners, leading to...

Deforestation in the Amazon


Supporting students and staff in the world of big data

New modules on Spatial Data Science are making big data accessible to students

DAFM - modelling with big data - main image


Putting survivors at the centre of disaster response

When disasters hit, International NGOs go to help reconstruct in the aftermath. However this usually creates a long term dependence on humanitarian aid....

Climate change flooding Bangladesh