Dr Jackie Mitchell PhD
Lecturer in In Vivo Modelling of Neurodegeneration
Research interests
- Biomedical and life sciences
- Neuroscience
Contact details
My lab is interested in exploring disease mechanisms in neurodegenerative diseases such as motor neurone disease and Alzheimer's. Our focus is on understanding how environmental impacts and genetic risk can lead to disease, and we use cell and in vivo models to try to understand how these factors can interact in different cell populations. We are also focused on using our models to try to develop and validate potential new therapeutic approaches for these diseases.
Please see my Research Staff Profile for more detail.
Key Publications:
- Solomon, S., Sampathkumar, N. K., Carre, I., Mondal, M., Chennell, G., Vernon, A. C., Ruepp, M-D. & Mitchell, J. C., 2022, Heterozygous expression of the Alzheimer's disease-protective PLCγ2 P522R variant enhances Aβ clearance while preserving synapses, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.
- Chen et al., 2016. The heat shock response plays an important role in TDP-43 clearance: evidence for dysfunction in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Brain.
- Mitchell et al., 2015. Wild-type human TDP-43 potentiates ALS-linked mutant TDP-43 driven progressive motor and cortical neuron degeneration with pathological features of ALS. Acta Neuropath Comm.
- Gomez Suaga, P., Morotz, G., Markovinovic, A., Martin Guerrero, S., Preza, E., Arias Del Castillo, N., Mayl, K., Aabdien, A., Gesheva, V., Nishimura, A., Annibali, A., Lee, Y., Mitchell, J., Wray, S., Shaw, C., Noble, W., & Miller, C., 2022, Disruption of ER-mitochondria tethering and signalling in C9orf72-associated amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia, Aging Cell.
Key Collaborators:
- Dr Caroline Vance, Kings College London
- Dr Marc-David Ruepp, Kings College London
- Dr Han-Jou Chen, University of York
King's College London and LifeArc team up to accelerate MND treatment development
LifeArc has pledged £1.5 million to fund a new two-year collaborative partnership with King’s College London.

£1.3 million MRC grant awarded to study neuronal signalling failure
The Medical Research Council (MRC) has awarded £1,310,130 to King's researchers for the project 'Structural and functional studies of the VAPB-PTPIP51...

King's College London and LifeArc team up to accelerate MND treatment development
LifeArc has pledged £1.5 million to fund a new two-year collaborative partnership with King’s College London.

£1.3 million MRC grant awarded to study neuronal signalling failure
The Medical Research Council (MRC) has awarded £1,310,130 to King's researchers for the project 'Structural and functional studies of the VAPB-PTPIP51...